I set out this morning for what was most likely going to be my last session with the Personal Trainer. I took off on the bike and arrived just before 9:00 and met the trainer at the reception area of the gym. She had been asked, again at short notice, to attend to some gym matters that conflicted with our workout. As I wasn't fully warmed up I took off and did 15 minutes on the treadmill while she took care of whatever it was she had to do. That was fine with me, but I was glad that I had plenty of time and was not rushed to get out of the gym at a particular time.
The workout began in a new area of the gym today. We moved over to where the main dumbell rack and weight lifting equipment is situated. I was a bit tentative as my strength is fine and doesn't really need that much work, however I need not have worried. First up were lunges again, and this time I started with 10 on each leg (alternating leading leg for each lunge) for a warm up. After that I was given a 9 kg medicine ball to hold while doing 15 lunges on each leg. As I went down into the lunge, the medicine ball was turned to the same side as the forward leg, turning my trunk on the way down. This was fairly tough, and I was puffing at the end of it.
Next up, and with no break, she handed me an e-z curl bar with about 10 kilos on each end and had me lean over with a straight back, and while bent down bring the bar up to my chest twice for two bent over rows, before returning to the upright position. There were 12 reps of this and while I felt a some pain in my lower back for most of the set, I toughed it out to the end. Again while there was pain, I could tell that it wasn't going to hurt me. The real issue that this has identified is how weak my abs are.
Next, and again without any rest break, I went straight into press ups on the Swiss Ball. I hadn't done these this way before, where my hands were on the ball which she held for stability (she had some difficulty due to my weight and the pressure I was exerting on the ball to perform the push up but she held it steady enough). I was doing sets of 15 which was quite tough. It really tested my trunk strength and I was surprised to find that I could do sets of 15.
Next up, and again without any rest, were sit ups. This time instead of using the Swiss Ball, we used a contraption that was like a half of a small Swiss Ball cut off, and flat on one side that was placed on the floor. The trainer stood on my feet for traction and I did sit ups as best I could. This was tough, not so much due to the muscle strain, but because I was by this stage very short of breath. I often had to break between reps so that I could puff in and out, three breaths so I could make it for the next rep. I stuck with it made it to the end.
Finally, thank goodness, was a tricep exercise off the side of a bench where I was lowering myself down, and then pushing back up against my weight for resistance. Again this was for 15 reps and I suprrised myself by being able to rep out 15 without stopping. I was half way expecting to be told to continue but she was true to her word and the stopped at 15. I was puffed, but felt good that I had managed to achieve doing the entire set.
I was huffing and puffing by this stage and did a few stretches at the end of the set. I also ran over to the water fountain and took the opportunity to suck down a few gulps of the precious liquid. After that, it was straight into a second set where everything was repeated as for the first set, for the same number of reps. I made it, and by the end of that I was nearly shattered! Felt good having made it through the session however.
At the suggestion of the Trainer we went to the seating area to discuss how I was feeling and where to from here. The Trainer was fairly complimentary about where I am at, saying that she felt the thing that was holding me back was mostly my own impression of where I am at physically, and how much I think that I can do. She suggested that I needed someone to push me to go harder. While this was, in one sense flattering, it was also a plug for her services.
We identified that the thing I needed most help with was not really motivation in the sense that I have motivation to do something about my weight, and have been attending the gym regularly recently, however she still maintained that I need someone to motivate me during the session to push myself as far as I can go. The thing that I lack, according to her, was the knowledge of what to do at the gym when exercising, and then what to eat. The assistance that she would provide would be in these two areas. She said that I needed to do cardio training that was more of a mix than what I was doing, and that I also need to mix it up with resistance training to raise my heart rate and burn more fat.
At last this was the opening to find out what I really needed to know, how much it would cost. So I asked point blank again about that, and this time I got a proper answer. She said that for most people she recommended that they have three sessions with her per week at $65 per session, as part of a deal she offers for people who use her services that often. Because I was ahead of most people she saw, particularly strength and fitness wise, she recommended that I take two sessions per week which she would offer to me at the discounted rate of $65 per session (or $130 per week). The session would be one hour long, as opposed to the half hour sessions I have been doing to this point.
This was a bit more than what I had thought it would be and so I said that I would need to discuss it with my partner and we would decide whether or not we could afford that kind of expense. She gave me my card and made a few comments about what price can you put on health and that sort of thing which I took to be part of the sales pitch, although I do accept that for health reasons I need to do something about my weight. She suggested that I do 25 minutes on the treadmill, so I took off to do that. I was feeling pretty good, this was definitely the best workout so far and I felt that I had done well. I went harder than usual on the treadmill and was pretty tired by the end of the session.
I figured that it was now or never in terms of getting weighed and took off to the scales, now that I know where they are. Bad news, my heaviest ever, and heavier than I thought I would ever get. 145 kgs even, although it took a while to get the scales (the balancing variety) to stop swaying. This was my weight in my gear and with shoes on, but was still heavier than I thought I was. I hate to think what I weighed before I got back into the exercise at all. The main thing that this has made me realise is how important it is that I get on top of my weight, and how far there is for me to go. The longer that I am at this weight the sooner I will have serious health consequences, and the further away my initial goal of 100 kgs is.
So, now I have a decision to make about what to do from here and whether or not I can afford to use the services of the trainer. While I was initially unimpressed, I must admit that now I am more impressed with the service she offers, and with her skills. I would like to continue with her as I think that overall it has been good to go through the work with her and I have learned some things. However, as with most financial decisions it will be based on whether or not I can afford it and this doesn't often allow for grey areas, or what you really want to do. Either you can afford it, or you can't.
I was thinking that perhaps I could got for a month using some of my savings and see how that goes. This way I can use the month period as a test to see if it is worth the money, and I will have the nutrition plan and exercise regime that I can use whether I continue with her or not. I guess that would cost in the vicinity of $50o and will show how much I can achieve within that time frame and be a good experiment.
I will let you know what decision I come to...