Fighting Phat

I need to lose weight and this blog is about my fight against fat. I was 145 kgs (319lbs) at the start of my quest. My goal is to lose 45 kgs (99lbs) of fat. I will be posting my experiences, exercise charts, nutrition plans, and weight on a regular basis to track my progress towards my goal weight of 100 kgs (222lbs). I hope that there are some people out there that might want to join me, post comments, or who may find my blog helpful for any weight loss they may wish to achieve.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Excellent Afternoon Workout

Far out, that was a tough session this afternoon.  She worked me hard, but for the first time I really held up well and was able to complete all of the exercises she set for me, in the number, and in the time that she set as well.  I felt really good afterwards, although I do have to admit that I nearly threw up at one stage – I tasted the bile in my mouth!  But rest assured, I stayed focused and did not make a mess!

I did the warm up regulation 10 minutes on the treadmill and met the trainer.  The first positive sign was that we went over to the weights area, near the bench press free weights which is an exercise that I am very strong in.  The first routine she had me do was stepping up onto the bench for 15 each leg holding 10 kg dumbbells in each hand.  This was followed by bench pressing a free weight bar 20 times, which was in turn followed by bent over rows, and finally I was made to do leg raises back on the bench that I had done the presses on.  It was tough, and I had to do this routine three times without a break during each routine, only being able to get a small break to take some water in at the end of each routine.  I was very pleased that I could do the tasks she set me, and I felt good at the end of it, nowhere near as physically shattered as previously.  I decided to make the most of it.

Next up I was made to do lunges again, which I hate.   They are hard, hurt, and attract a lot of attention in the gym.  To make it worse my front foot had to come down on the semi-circle ball which lies flat on the floor.  This made it hard to balance.  I also had to hold 10kg dumbbells for this exercise which increased the resistance a lot.  I was asked to do 12 on each leg and I managed to do this.  Immediately after the lunges I was then onto the Swiss Ball for flies using the same 10 kg weight for 20 reps.  This was apparently my rest set and I do have to admit that I did not find it difficult until the last couple of reps on the final set.  Once the flies were done I then had to move to the bench, getting on it in reverse – ie my head was down the end that your legs usually go and I was doing overhead rows – like a pull down with a 15kg dumbbell.  Again, this wasn’t eh most difficult exercise of the day, but coming at the end of everything, and having to do three sets of each exercise, it was tough when it came to the end.

However, I made it and then moved to the ab exercises which I did markedly better at than previously.  It was the usual ab exercise on the Swiss Ball sitting right up, and then extending down past level on the way down.  I set a regular pace and ground out 20 reps before she had me stop half way up and hold it, then move to the top and back down again.  I cannot recall how many of those I did but I kept going until she made me stop.  It felt good to have done well and I even managed to exchange a few jokes about the Rugby game at the weekend with the trainer.

My next session is on Thursday morning and she has told me that she will work me really hard.  She wants to see me down .75 of a kilo from last week so it will be interesting to see how I go.  I do not yet have the diet, she had not had a chance to check her e-mail so that will have to wait a bit longer yet.  I don’t think that it will matter that much at this point, I can tell that I am doing better and am already looking forward to getting in there tomorrow for the cardio session in the morning – let’s hope that this lasts!  I think that it will, and I am feeling good having broken the cycle of a sedentary lifestyle.  All I need to do now is stick with it so that the new lifestyle becomes a habit that I don’t want to break.


At 11:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your long term goal is an amazing one. I admire your resolve to fight phat, given that you have so much to lose. It would be easy to just continue avoiding the scales.How are you managing to spend so much time at the gym etc. Is this a full-time "job" for you at the moment?

At 5:39 PM, Blogger Frontman said...

Thanks for the support, it means a lot to get positive messages from people while I am trying to make a dent in the large amount of weight that I have to lose. I am not working at the moment, having just moved into a new area with my partner to further her career. There is, as yet, no real pressure on me to start working and so I thought that the time was right for me to give it my all to fight the phat. I am treating it as a job, and focussing on the goals as I have with goals that I have set myself in my professional life. Thanks again, and keep the comments coming.


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