Fighting Phat

I need to lose weight and this blog is about my fight against fat. I was 145 kgs (319lbs) at the start of my quest. My goal is to lose 45 kgs (99lbs) of fat. I will be posting my experiences, exercise charts, nutrition plans, and weight on a regular basis to track my progress towards my goal weight of 100 kgs (222lbs). I hope that there are some people out there that might want to join me, post comments, or who may find my blog helpful for any weight loss they may wish to achieve.

Friday, July 28, 2006

A Hard Session

That was a hard session this afternoon, the hardest so far.  I arrived ahead of time and the trainer was ready to go.  The warm up walk to the gym that I took apparently didn’t count and I had to get on the treadmill for 5 minutes to warm up before we started.  That was fine and we spent some discussing the pace of my cardio session and I have been told that I need to up the tempo a bit more than the session I have been doing.  I will give that a shot next time I am at the gym.

We then launched into the rest of the session which revolved around the Swiss Ball, squats with dumbbells and shoulder press in the one exercise, dumbbell flys on the Swiss Ball, and lunges (again – these are fast becoming my least favourite exercise) with ab crunches.  I found it quite tough today, and don’t mind admitting it.  The increase in activity for me has been quite significant, and I think I am doing well so far.  I feel better now, and I can actually say that the cliché I have heard so often, seems to apply to me – I feel like I have more energy – all this and it has only been a couple of weeks.  Fantastic, and it makes me feel like continuing on.  These things have a way of gaining their own momentum.

I was very tired during the workout, but went about as hard as I could.  It wasn’t as hard as the trainer wanted, but I have her figured – no matter how hard I go, it will never be hard enough.  She is there to push me to the limit, and so far she has.  She built in some running for me today – short distance while holding dumbbells, and it worked well in lifting my heart rate I can tell you.

After the workout we talked about my fitness and physique.  She asked me to poke out my tongue, and using Chinese Medicine, determined that my insides are cold and damp, and that my spleen is weak.  Apparently all of this can be deduced from having a white tongue – and here I was thinking it meant I was a bit dehydrated.  In any event, I am sticking with it, and with her as so far it has been good.  I even had to pay today, and while AU$130 was a bit of hit that I could have done without, it did make me feel like I wanted to get a good return, and for the next two session I will be going as hard as I can.

Also, and some people have asked about this, the diet that I have been promised is coming.  I need to finish off my food diary tonight and e-mail it to the trainer.  She will then construct an eating plan for me, and put me on the special herbal tea when she feels that I am ready for it.  She told me not to drink green tea, but backtracked and said I should only refrain from having it around mealtimes.  I gather that the food diary will be an ongoing task, and I will be required to keep very specific records.  All in all a successful day and I am a bit tired now so I will sleep well tonight for sure.  

It’s my 35th tomorrow, and I have to be up and about early as my partner is taking me on a wine tour of the Hunter Valley.  As the trains are down on our line it has turned out that we have to take the bus into town, so we will have to leave at about 6:00 am – it will be a full on day and I am looking forward to it.  We return in time for the Rugby game tomorrow night and I will be watching that closely.  There probably won’t be a post tomorrow as I won’t be around home for much of the day, but I will be posting how I am getting on with the Fight Against Fat on Sunday for sure.  Until then, keep well and keep the messages of support coming in, they really help.


At 5:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Fighter
Congrats on the progress 2.5 kgs is almost half a stone in the old weight measurement.Hope the birthday and Hunter Valley didnt setr you back too much. I think when you can take celebrations in your stride you really on the path to losing weight. Whats on this week? More of the same? Keep us all posted. Regards 7lbs!

At 12:41 PM, Blogger Frontman said...

I was pleased with the progress, but as I say, it represents the first step on a long journey. I am focussing on short and long term goals to try and break down what is a massive amount of wieght to lose into more manageable chunks. For this week it will be more of the same, however as I have said in the recent post I expect to be given a food plan soon as this will require a few changes I should think. I will certainly keep you all posted on any events that occur and thanks for the comment, 7lbs!


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