A Bit Sore Today
I woke up today feeling a bit tender from the first workout of yesterday. I decided that I needed to get the blood flowing through the legs to help get over the pain caused by the shock of old muscles long dormant being used for the first time again. I took off to the gym and spent two sets of 25 minutes walking on the treadmill. As walking was going to be the exercise today, I also decided to walk to the gym making the total workout duration about one hour.
I walked at 6km per hour for the entire time, in spite of a 5 minute warm down imposed by the treadmill. The machines seem to be limited to 20 minute workout periods, if you want longer you then have to start the machine again for another 20 minute maximum session. Each 20 minutes is followed up by a 5 minute warm down period, however you can adjust the speed upwards to continue at the same pace you had during the work out period. This is what I did to keep the 50 minutes work out period going. The walk to and from the gym was a total of 10 minutes to round out the hour.
I felt good when I'd finished, and although it wasn't the hardest workout ever, the key thing is that I have gone out and done something, rather than sitting around in pain at home. I have my second session with the personal trainer tomorrow and I am looking forward to making some progress. This will be the key session and I want to be in form for it to evaluate if I will continue with a personal trainer, and also to have some key questions asked.
I was still unable to locate the scales at the gym, they are not in the changing rooms and so it would appear that if there are scales at the gym, my weight will include whatever clothes and shoes I happen to be wearing that day. As a consequence I will have to ensure that on weigh in days I am wearing the same shoes and clothes as the previous weigh in.
Might get out for a bike ride this afternoon as well. Will keep you posted if I do. Am feeling good and sticking to the new rules about eating normally. I believe that it was a good decision to ease into the diet side of things as my mood is good and I am postive about the process I have commenced.
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