Fighting Phat

I need to lose weight and this blog is about my fight against fat. I was 145 kgs (319lbs) at the start of my quest. My goal is to lose 45 kgs (99lbs) of fat. I will be posting my experiences, exercise charts, nutrition plans, and weight on a regular basis to track my progress towards my goal weight of 100 kgs (222lbs). I hope that there are some people out there that might want to join me, post comments, or who may find my blog helpful for any weight loss they may wish to achieve.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

A Good Day

I think that I have done well today, and I am certainly feeling good. My partner and I went for our walk as part of our shopping expedition and were feeling every one of the kms on the return trip carrying our shopping. 10kms on the trot was about right for the day, and to cap it all off we got some of the items that we have been wanting for a while.

We purchased a Swiss Ball for home which we are hoping will allow both myself and my partner to put some additional work in on the abs, and some of the other resistance training that Swiss balls are so good for. The ball was ons pecial and comes with a foot pump which I shall have to put to work shortly! In addition, we were able to get a skipping rope and both items were on special.

I also managed to get a tea pot (very difficult in this part of town). None of the major stores carried tea pots as part of their arsenal of consumer goods. Tons of espresso machines, all the coffee plungers you could possibly want, to say nothing of the vast array of grilling machines, and toasted sandwhich makers. But a simple tea pot? I guess not, not enough profit can be added on apparently!

As luck would have it we ended up in a Chinese commercial neighbourhood and securing both a tea pot and some green tea became a realtively simple affair. In fact, I was spoilt for choice, at least on the green tea front. As you can probably guess, I am hoping that I can sip on green tea during the day and avoid falling into old patterns of eating the wrong foods at the wrong time. It helps that I do seem to like the stuff!

I have tried, and failed, to get in touch with the trainer today. Being Sunday I think that is fair enough and do not anticipate having ongoing trouble communicating my intention to continue with her in the training and nutrition areas. Foodwise things have been good, although with all of the fantastic Chinese food on display during our walk, my resolve was tested. I am pleased to report that I came up trumps and did not deviate from the plan.

I'm feeling good after the weekend and am set for another good week working hard at the gym, and am looking forward to making progress. I'll be posting my goals, nutrition plan, and workout plans as soon as they are finalised with the trainer. Keep checking in for those updates and also for regular posts from me.


At 8:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Phat fighter
So you walked through the vally of the shadow of delicious chinese food and did not weaken! Well done. John Bunyan and maybe his bro John Milton would be proud of you. But it is hard at social moments like visits to the pub with mates and family. How can fat fighters handle social eating and drinking?Regards, morning tea refugee

At 11:49 AM, Blogger Frontman said...

Hi Morning Tea Refugee (like the name by the way) social times are always difficult. There is usually an alternative to drinking alcohol when you are in a social setting - diet soft drinks for instance. I have cut back a lot from what I used to drink in terms of soft drink and alcohol. There is almost always a healthier option in terms of food available at social occaisions these days, and if I can't go without, I will choose the healthiest option available to me.

It isn't really an option to avoid social settings for long, you will eventually have to get back into it unless you are going to be hermit all your life. What has helped me tremendously is the support of my partner, my friends, and my family who all recognise that what I am trying to do is important. If you experience peer pressure to drink alcohol, or eat unhealthy food, anyone that wants to pressure you into doing things that aren't going to help you isn't worth spending any time with.

This Saturday is my birthday and my partner and I are heading off to the Hunter Valley on a wine and cheese tour. I will partake and have a good time, however I will look for healthy food and drink in moderation. I think that is the key to social situations, and eating and drinking outside of a routine. I'll let you know how I go.


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