Fighting Phat

I need to lose weight and this blog is about my fight against fat. I was 145 kgs (319lbs) at the start of my quest. My goal is to lose 45 kgs (99lbs) of fat. I will be posting my experiences, exercise charts, nutrition plans, and weight on a regular basis to track my progress towards my goal weight of 100 kgs (222lbs). I hope that there are some people out there that might want to join me, post comments, or who may find my blog helpful for any weight loss they may wish to achieve.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Slight Hitch

The personal trainer called this morning, about 20 minutes ago, and cancelled the 9:30 appointment. Apparently she has been called in to replace the supervisor at the gym and had to cancel all her morning sessions. So, my session has been postponed until 9:00 tomorrow. The matters I am waiting to resolve will have to wait until then.

However, I wont let this stop me from making progress on my own. I am all dressed up and ready to go! Not the best weather today, fine rain is drizzling down outside so I might wait and see if that lets up in the near future. I'll feel safer taking the bike if it isn't actually raining. If the rain continues then I might have to walk down instead - no great hardship, but I do like riding my new bike and running it in.

I'm feeling really good this morning, and I managed to stick to the diet yesterday. It was a bit trying at times, but I found that making sure I had a sizeable lunch and a decent afternoon tea kept the wolves at bay until dinner time with my partner. THe important thing was not giving into the craving for chocolate! Feeling good that I stuck with it through the first trial. As I am feeling good this morning I might try going a bit harder at the gym today. Will let you know how I get on.


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