Fighting Phat

I need to lose weight and this blog is about my fight against fat. I was 145 kgs (319lbs) at the start of my quest. My goal is to lose 45 kgs (99lbs) of fat. I will be posting my experiences, exercise charts, nutrition plans, and weight on a regular basis to track my progress towards my goal weight of 100 kgs (222lbs). I hope that there are some people out there that might want to join me, post comments, or who may find my blog helpful for any weight loss they may wish to achieve.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Some Good News - Progress!

Good start to the day today.  I was up on time and went to the gym as required under the new regime just after 8:00 this morning.  I went on the cross trainer and the treadmill again today.  I went a bit harder on the cross trainer today than yesterday, I think mainly because the machine’s resistance was manageable and so I was able to workout at a resistance level of 8 without too much trouble.  One of the two machines must not be working properly as on the same level of resistance one was good, and the other was like trying to squat 200 kilos.  I did 225 calories on the cross trainer today.

I went for the 15 minutes as hard as I good and felt good, sweaty, and puffing at the end of it.  From there it was straight on to the cross trainer where I did the speed increase and decrease system recommended by the trainer.  Today I went from 5.5-6.5 km/ph for the 25 minute period and ended up doing 277 calories at the end of 25 minutes.  I felt good, but as I have a workout this afternoon I called it quits so that I am able to make it through the workout this afternoon at 2:00p.m.

I walked to the gym again today, it is actually quite a good warm up and warm down.  I like the bike for speed, however the walk is great set up for the cross trainer.  I’ll probably walk down again this afternoon as I have to do some shopping on the way home and having the bike is a drag for that.

I took the opportunity to weigh myself and have decided that I will weigh myself weekly on the scale at the gym in my gym gear.  I will weigh myself in each Friday after the morning workout so it should be at the same time each week.  There was some good news, I weighed in at 142.5 kilos today, so that is 2.5kg down on my original start weight.  Now that I have a routine for weighing and the rules are established, I will publish the results on the blog in a table, just as soon as I have figured out how to do that!  

However, my first stats are that on 20 July 2006 I weighed in at 145 kgs.  Today, 28 July 2006 I weighed in at 142.5 kgs, a loss of 2.5 kgs and a % change of 1.7%  I am happy with this result, even if it has taken a little over a week to get rid of the first 2.5kg.  I am feeling quite positive about having made the start and I want to continue on with achieving the goals I set for myself.  At this point, my first goal is 130kg.  It is a little ways off yet, however I will get to it if I keep at it and stay focused.  

Well, I better dash I have to leave the house in about half an hour to head back to the gym for the second session with the trainer.  I think this will be tough as I have already worked out this morning, but as I make progress it will get better.  I will post the events of this afternoon’s session on the blog later today, and good to luck to all of you who are also Fighting the Fat.


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