I'm Back Again!
Hi all, I had a nice birthday on Saturday and the trip out to Hunter Valley was great. I behaved myself and stuck largely within the rules of the new lifestyle plan. However, it was my birthday and it is important to have a good time. I did indulge in sampling some delicious wine and tasting a few pieces of chocolate at the boutique store that was part of our tour of the Valley. You only turn 35 once and I am pretty sure the small amount that I consumed, which is still drastically less chocolate than I used to eat, will not do me any long term harm.
There was a fair bit of walking involved in the tour, and I had to lug a half case of wine around for a fair amount of time too, so I guess you could say that there was some exercise while we were drinking. Certainly the biceps were worked out lifting the tasting glass to the mouth frequently. And no, I didn't spit any of it out no matter how bad it was (and there were some shockers)! The glasses were enough for a taste only, and I didn't really feel the wine at all during the trip so the consumption must have been minimal.
It was back to the usual routine for me on Sunday, however I didn't make it to the gym. Most of the activity I got on Sunday was cleaning the house and getting the shopping for the week in. I got back in there today, and have started well with a cardio session this morning. I did get sore shins during the treadmill stage of the workout this morning due to the fact that I was going faster as instructed, but I pushed through the pain and made it to the end of the 25 minute treadmill session. Perhaps the lay off of two days may have produced some of the painful sensations now that I am back into the exercise. I am certain it is nothing serious anyway.
I am meeting the trainer this afternoon at 3:00pm and will let you all know how that goes. I sent her my food diary on Sunday and so I am expecting that either today, or at the next appointment this week, she will deliver me a food plan. Once I have that, I will post it for you all to look at, and will let you know if I intend to follow it to the letter, or if I feel it needs work. I'm feeling good, positive about things, and better than I did in the lead up to 35!
You'll see that I have made some changes to the blog. Over on the right hand side of your screen I have posted my measurements, including my goal, start, and current measurements so that my progress can be tracked. I have also included a table of the weekly weigh in so that we can all see how I go, and I can monitor how well I am doing. I may work on keeping a better record of the measurements on some sort of data base to track my progress, and if I do so, this will be posted as well for you to track my progress, or possibly use for your own fight against fat. Thanks to all of you that have commented on this blog so far, keep them coming. It is nice to know that I am not in this alone, and to receive encouraging messages. Check back this afternoon and I'll let you know how the session went today.
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