I managed to stick well within the rules of the diet tonight, in spite of going out. While I did have two beers, that was not bad considering that I was in the pub for two hours. Two beers shouldn't do me any harm that exercise cannot work off.
More importantly I did not partake of a massive bowl of chips placed on the table, and also managed to hang out until I got home to eat a corned beef sandwhich for my dinner. Feeling good about that, so thought that I had better post it on the site. Also, the team I was supporting managed to come away with the win in fairly good form too!
Looking forward to tomorrow. My partner and I have decided that anothr lengthy walk is in order to help us build up for the City to Surf in three weeks time. We are going to walk to a shopping mall that is a couple of suburbs away. Provided we don't shop too much we should be able to walk home as well making a round trip of about 10 kms (roughly 5 each way). Looking forward to it, and to getting in touch with the trainer tomorrow.
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