Another day, another cardio workout done. Today I stuck with the routine that the trainer gave and did not add in any additional running or speed things up at all. I was feeling pretty good when I woke up this morning, and I didn't want to push things any harder than is called for the day after an increase in workout tempo. The good news is that my knee is feeling good, a little tight, but no pain at all, including on the walk to the gym. I am beginning to suspect that my knee is benefiting from the increase in activity that has gone on these last few weeks, and in particular from the running.
Today I did an extra ten minutes on the cross trainer at the end of my workout. I was feeling pretty good after the cardio and went to do my regular 3 sets of 20 crunches on the Swiss Ball. They went well today, and I was really tensing up the stomach muscles on each set, so hopefully they will start to improve as the rest of my body has. The cross trainer seems to be one of the more intense exercises around and I noticed that you get through calories on that machine quite quickly. In 10 minutes I did 173.3 calories. This made my total for the day (including the treadmill) 824.4 calories, which is an increase on the usual 600 or so that I have been doing. It feels good so far to be doing more than what I am used to.
I was speaking with a friend of mine yesterday, and he suggested that I get a heart rate monitor to record my workouts. This arose in connection with the rpm class that I did the other day, and my comments that there was no objective way to measure the intensity of the workout. The suggestion was to use the heart rate monitor to keep a track of performance. My friend suggested getting a polar heart rate monitor that includes a chest strap that you wear to get an accurate reading of your heart rate.
I had this in mind this morning at the gym and after I finished I went to the Rockdale Rebel Sport store to check out what they had. There certainly was a range, and there definitely was a range in price. The most expensive model was about $700.00! The least expensive was about $150 I think. The store has a helpful pamphlet about the product, so I took that for some reading during the rest of today. I will persue the material and see if I think it is a wise investment of not. It seems that you can spend quite a bit of money if you want to, however I am keen to avoid that at this stage. Toys like this are good fun, and I see that it can be linked with a pc to develop reports on your exercise and all sorts of cool geeky stuff like that! I'll keep you posted on what I decide.
Aside from that there is not much else to report. The local gas station now has a street advertising sign featuring Liz Hurley snacking on a massive ice cream on a stick. I was wondering exactly who they thought they were kidding, suggesting that Liz is an ice cream goddess. I've been thinking a bit about food advertising and the proportion of advertising on tv that is dedicated to it. It seems to be extremely high, one advertising segment in our area last night featured nothing but food, although I accept that this is a rarity. Most of the food advertising featured a link between fun and fast food, or love and fast food. I found this predictable, but interesting.
Fast food used to be a staple of mine, however it has now been nearly two months since I had any and I can't say that (apart from my craving for KFC now dealt with, which I think arose from the advertising campaign they have embarked on here) that I have missed it at all. The fact is that it made me miserable, not happy. It made me fat and unhappy, not sexy or fun to be around.
The advertising/marketing is, as usual, rubbish. The only thing that fast food provided for me at that time was something that I could have any time I wanted, it would almost always be the same each time I got it (quality wise), and it did taste nice at the time you ate it. To that extent it did 'feel' good, but didn't make me feel good because I knew it was bad for me, was making my weight issues worse, but still there were a million and one reasons to carry on eating it. So I did. To excess, so much sometimes that I would be uncomfortably full for a good couple of hours or so after eating. Disgusting I know.
I don't know if I have dealt with any underlying issues that there might be that make me eat to excess. I doubt it, I tend to do things that I like as much as I can, so I thought the challenge was to change my perception of what I liked, and take eating as much as possible out of the range of perceptions of good things I had. All I can say at this stage is that having a new approach to attempting to deal with the overeating has worked well for me so far. In the past I have tried to use willpower to go cold turkey with changes to diet and increases in exercise. Sometimes it worked, but eventually it didn't with me running out of steam or eventually feeling miserable again. This time I have purposefully avoided trying to do everything at once. You will recall that to begin with I was just trying to eat like a normal person, and avoid fast food. This worked well, and during that phase I introduced relatively low level of exercise. Again this worked well, and my weight has come down a lot. I know that this will end, and probably sooner rather than later. But, I feel great about what I have achieved so far and don't feel like I am missing out on anything.
My eating now seems more geared towards providing my body with something to power it through workouts, and on the weekend not worrying too much about things so that my partner and I can go out and have fun together. Food is no longer the sole focus, although it is still important. Before I used to think constantly about the next fast fix of fat, salt, and sugar. Now I don't really care that much until I start to get hungry. It is still important that I eat before I get too hungry as I can eat too much still, but nowhere near as much as before. It took me a long time to get that large, I think it will probably take a long time to get back to being the weight that I want to be, but goodness it feels good to have shrugged off the weight that was probably the worst for me, and to be able to fit into my clothes again. I'm talking about a lifestyle change, and a significant one. I have made a start, and made some good progress but I need to start thinking about the next stage after this one.
The next plan I think will be to introduce more and more tasty and healthy food into the diet, food that I might not normally eat, and to begin to keep more of an eye on quantity of food, and the type. For instance, if I have a sandwhich now I will have it with mayo or butter and not worry about it. I'll slosh the olive oil around now because I know I can and still lose weight. It is a great way to get me to eat the salad veggies that I need, and used to avoid like the plague. However, soon the time will come when weight wont fall off the way it has been and I will have to start looking at the extra things like olive oil, butter, and the tasty 'fat free' desserts. I am ready for it, and as I have said it took me a long time to get that fat, it will probably take me a long time to get rid of it too. My goals will need to change from being reached just about each month, to taking longer to get to, and requiring more effort to do so. I am committed to doing it because I firmly believe that if I don't, I'll be a diabetic before too long, and a heart attack waiting to happen. This healthier me should be able to triumph with that for motivation I hope!