Fighting Phat

I need to lose weight and this blog is about my fight against fat. I was 145 kgs (319lbs) at the start of my quest. My goal is to lose 45 kgs (99lbs) of fat. I will be posting my experiences, exercise charts, nutrition plans, and weight on a regular basis to track my progress towards my goal weight of 100 kgs (222lbs). I hope that there are some people out there that might want to join me, post comments, or who may find my blog helpful for any weight loss they may wish to achieve.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Gut Wrenching Workout

Today was the mother of all workouts, to be sure. I have never been so exhausted since I started my fight against fat. It has been a torrid battle so far, and now it is also starting to become what could be referred to without too much hyperbole as "lengthy". Of course, it was always going to be lengthy, given the distance between my starting position, and my goal. But now being this far down the track I am really getting an idea of how far I have to go. However, dwelling on that is the road to rack and ruin (or the drive through at KFC or Mackers), and the most important thing is how far I have come since I started. Tomorrow will be the official weigh in and yet again I hope to have lost some more weight so that I am closer to my goal. I am certain that today's efforts will have assisted me no end in getting towards my goal.

It has taken me the majority of the morning to recover from the workout, to get enough energy to write this post. Today was a real workout, perhaps the benchmark for things to come as the trainer was discussing with me a new cardio routine that will incorporate running. She is hoping that I will be at 125kg tomorrow, but I am certain that I wont be. She did her level best to knock a couple of kilos off me today though! I just don't feel that much lighter, but given my progress over the last few weeks and the fact that I am following the same routines (except with more exercise) I am sure that I will have lost weight this week. Not many days to go until my folks are here, but I haven't given up all hope of being 125kg by that time. I have a big weekend of activity in front of me and I am looking forward to that.

Today I was bit late getting out of bed as I had stayed up late watching 'City of God' on SBS. I couldn't stay up for the whole film and videoed the end of it. I found it engrossing, shocking but the kind of film that I just didn't want to stop watching. Anyway, I had to finish it off when I got back from the gym this morning, and I ended up being at the gym just in the nick of time as I was sleepy today and it took me a while to get going.

The trainer was there and ready for me when I arrived. The workout started with me running around the gym 3 times before launching into clean and presses with 30kg barbell. After I had done the first 15 the trainer said she was mightily impressed as she thought that I would only be able to do 10. Next up were squats with dumbbells, followed by alternate dumbbell curls, and then dumbbell rows. Last of all were leg raises for my abs. This completed the first circuit and during the last set of squats I have to admit that I had to stop mid set to take a break as I thought I was going to throw up! I didn't, but it was a very near thing.

To finish off I had to do close grip incline bench press, followed by more dumbbell curls on the incline bench, and a set of press ups on the bosu. Again I had to do this for three sets and I am pleased to say that I made it though. It was the toughest workout I have done so far, I felt drained at the end of it and discussed this with my trainer. She told me that the new cardio workout is not designed to be done directly after a workout with her, and is too hard for that. I heaved a sigh of relief at this news and she suggested that I do 10 minutes and then head for home. Instead I did two lots of 25 minutes as per usual, but I alternated the speed between 6km/ph and 7km/ph only. That was a good idea as I still got a good sweat up but did not thrash myself too hard. The total calories today were 602.8. Not a bad effort I felt on the back of a hard workout.

I did my shopping on the way home and got some chicken for lunch, and will probably finish it off for dinner. I had a chicken salad at lunchtime and added in some tinned sweetcorn kernels with fat free italian dressing. It was pretty good, the grilled chicken making the whole thing come together. I guess I had better cook for my partner tonight, but this time I will add in some extras to make the salad all the better. Yum. Check back tomorrow for the official weigh in stats!


At 12:27 AM, Blogger TitanThirteen said...

Hi :o)
You are doing a great job, keep up the good work! :o)

At 8:15 AM, Blogger Frontman said...

Thanks cactusfreek, always good to get words of encouragement, they help keep me focussed on my goals and working towards reaching them.

It's weigh in day today, so I am off to the gym shortly and the results will be posted in the next couple of hours! Here's hoping I achieve another loss!


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