Weight Loss Continues...

Another week, another loss. This week I was 100g under the 1kg mark that I was hoping to achieve, but I still feel good about being officially recorded at 127.8kg (281lbs). It is great the weight is continuing to come off and there is less of me in the world! Also this week my body fat percentage has come down a bit and that is good news. I am still 2.2kg (4.8lbs) off the goal of 125kg that I had hoped to reach by the time my folks came to visit, but never mind. Since I last saw them I have still lost an impressive 17.2kg (37.8lbs) and it will be interesting to hear what they think.
More good news this morning was the fact that I was able to put in a very good showing on the treadmill this morning. I did the standard two 25 minute sessions, however I felt so good that while running I tried to do a bit more than usual, and succeeded. In the first session I did 3.14kms and increased it to 4.06km for the second session, making a massive total of 7.2kms for the session. The best so far by a long shot! On the calorie front I did 377.9 calories in the first session followed by a very pleasing 427.6 calories, a total of 805.5. I was so stoked when I got through the session that I decided to round it all off with 3 sets of 20 situps on the Swiss Ball to give my abs a bit of a kick!
I am tired now that I am back home, and am really feeling like I need my lunch! It was a bit of a slow start to the day as my body did ache from the clean and presses that the trainer had me doing yesterday. I think that my stomach is still getting in the way of me being able to properly lift the bar with perfect form and that puts a bit of stress on my back - I usually feel it the next day. I'll be keeping an eye on this, and upping my stretching at home as I think being inflexible does not help the cause either.
Well, thanks for checking up on me, and thanks for all of the positive comments that have been coming in. For the coming week my posts might be less than the usual daily post as my parents arrive on Tuesday. Until then I will keep the posts going, and then see how I get on while my parents are staying with us. Keep well, and keep up all the good work those of you that have started your own fight against fat.
Congrats on the loss! That is awesome.
Thansk TC, it certainly is a great start to the weekend. We're heading off on a trip to Balmoral Beach today. We're doing a 12km walk to the beach for the daily exercise quota today. Should be good fun, and I'll be trying to get some more photos for you all.
Thanks for the shot in the arm.
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