Knocked Off A Quick Workout
Up and at 'em early this morning. Straight down to the gym - I was so keen that I left the house without having my morning coffee shot! It was a good workout too. I had a nice meal of chilli in tacos last night and felt full of energy this morning. I hit the treadmill running and cranked out the first 25 minute session with no trouble at all. I decided to go hard on the second session and managed to crank out an 8 minute long running stint first on 10km /ph and then I put it up to 11 km/ph for the last two minutes.
I felt great running, and nothing was hurting. Everything still seems to be fine so apart from getting tired, it was great! On the calorie front I got through 388.2 in the first session, and 453 in the second (a new record for me!) giving a total of 841.2!!! On the distance front I went for 3.19km and then 3.54km for a total of 6.73km. I was stoked at that effort, and feel that I need it at the moment as the dieting will be difficult being out and about all day. Burning off a few calories before we take off will help, and of course the walking during the day will also help the cause!
Today our plan is to take advantage of the weather and head to Bondi for the walk to Coogee. I am sure that my folks will love it, the view is spectacular and the weather seems nice enough. We'll be heading off shortly, but I thought that a post before we take off is in order. I'll let you all know how it goes and what we get up to, but with any luck we will be body surfing in Bondi soon!
I'm starting to worry now - I'd be mighty surprised if I could keep up with you on the running front when you come over. Think I'm going to have to get the running shoes out today. Keep up the good work, man, you've almost hit your short term goal. You should consider writing 'How I lost 20kg in 12 weeks', although 'Grow your hair long and lose weight fast' has a catchiness to it.
Well mate, everyone else at the gym seems to kick me on the treadmill, so I am sure that you would too! I am enjoying the running more and more, and am finding it less taxing, so I try to do more of it each time while making sure that I run without crashing around too much. 10km/ph is a good pace, but I am only starting to feel stretched at 11 km/ph.
I shall put some thought into writing about what you have suggested, however I may have to add in a short piece about the benefits of growing a moustache for weight loss! Perhaps it strains out some of the calories in the food that goes near it!
The short term goal is not far way and I hope to reach it next week...
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