Fighting Phat

I need to lose weight and this blog is about my fight against fat. I was 145 kgs (319lbs) at the start of my quest. My goal is to lose 45 kgs (99lbs) of fat. I will be posting my experiences, exercise charts, nutrition plans, and weight on a regular basis to track my progress towards my goal weight of 100 kgs (222lbs). I hope that there are some people out there that might want to join me, post comments, or who may find my blog helpful for any weight loss they may wish to achieve.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Wonderful Trip

The visit continues to go well. On Wednesday we took advantage of the weather and did the coastal walk along Sydney's south coast. My parents and I followed the same trip that I did with my partner from Bondi to Coogee, and the only variations this time were that there was no whale to be seen frolicking in the sea (bummer), and that the surf was much stronger this time (fantastic). My swim (I was the only one brave enough, or stupid enough, to go in the water) was great. I got punished by the waves, it felt like being in a huge washing machine and I was constantly getting knocked over and sucked under by the rip. I really love swimming in the sea when it is like that, and this was no exception. After about an hour I was almost completely exhausted, and the rest of the walk was quite difficult, but in a good way. I knew I had exercised well that day.

By the time we arrived in Coogee we were all really thirsty, and a bit hungry. We stopped at the first bar we came to and my folks each had two beers while I had a water and diet coke (I was good and hopefully will be rewarded on Friday). It was great to sit and chat for an hour or so while we all relaxed after what was a taxing walk. After the walk we were onto the bus, into Bondi Junction, on the train and then home. We met up with my partner on the return journey home - it turned out that we were on the same train but had no idea until we got off at the home station!

Today was a bit more of a laid back day. I didn't get to the gym until about 10:00, I think this was mostly because I was tired from the day before. Also my partner had a late start and didn't leave home until about 9:00 so I had time to chat with her, and also look after my folks before I got my act together and got to the gym. It was a great workout today, my best yet I think. I decided that I would try and get in excess of 400 calories burned in each of the 25 minute sessions, and sure enough I made it! Today I got through 441.9, then 427.8 for a total of 869.7 calories. On the distance front my stats were 3.44km, and 3.37km for a total of 6.81km. I was mightily stoked with that effort, my best yet.

On my return home my parents and I got ready and set out for town. We went to the Sydney gallery in the Domain and had a good look around at the art. I hadn't been there before and did enjoy checking out the collection. It is a lovely old building, but they have modernised it by adding in a lot of natural light and opening it up a bit. We spent a good couple of hours there and then met my partner in town after her conference had finished (at last). After that we had a stroll to our favourtie Opera Bar at circular quay, and we watched the sun setting by the harbour bridge. I had a couple of glasses of house red.

Dinner tonight was our extravagant treat for my parents visit. We went to Cafe Sydney and the food was spectacular. As was the view. It is above Circular Quay and so there is a panoramic view of Sydney's North Shore framed by the Harbour Bridge on one side, and the opera house on the other. It really did take my breath away, the best view of central Sydney we have seen from a restaurant since we have been here. We were wondering if the food coule live up to the view...we need not have.

The food was to die for. Our table had Tuna, Lamb, Spatchcock, and Roasted Snapper. We did not have entrees and that proved to be a good call. The mains were large, and filled me right up. The tuna was rare and I love it that way - super fresh so it just melted in my mouth. The lamb was also medium rare, and while hard to cut at times, again melted in the mouth. Maybe the cutlery could have done with a sharpen as the food was not tough at all! We also had dessert, my partner and I shared the Chocolate and caramel baked cream with fresh raspberries. It was out of this world! It's been a long time since I had anything like it, but I still reckon that this was one of the best desserts that I have ever had. We all reccomend this place, and it may be so good as to become a regular event when my parents visit.

Well, that's about it for now. I have the official wiegh in tomorrow and I am looking forward to it. I know I have done well this week with exercise and I don't think that tonight will hurt at all. My body seems to be ticking along well at the moment and I think that the session with the trainer tomorrow morning will have me in good stead come weigh in time. Check back tomorrow to see how I get on!


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