Hard Graft

I made it through the first 25 minute session and felt okay at the end of it, just very tired and I was huffing and puffing so much I was getting a few strange looks from the other people at the gym! Never mind, you go there to workout and you do what you have to get through it. It aint a popularity contest or a fashion show. I took a bit longer than I usually do to get into the second phase as I had to mop myself with the workout towel and clean up the treadmill a bit.
Once I started the second session I knew that it was going to be a struggle just to keep going on the set workout. I struggled with the quick walking phases more than the running, however my MP3 player was there to save me with some excellent tunes today! I reckon that the music makes things a lot easier if you have a good song come on right when you are struggling! I managed to get through to the end, and added on 3 minutes of running for good measure. However, I really felt it today and just made it through the 3 minute phase. I really wanted to stop, but kept with it as I know it is doing me good.
In the end the workout wasn't as good as yesterday as far as the stats go. Today I did 3.12 km for the first session, 3.16 km in the second for a total of 6.28km. The calories were 373.2 for the first session, 377.4 in the second, a total of 750.6. Not a bad effort, but I did struggle. However, the most important thing to me about today is that even though I struggled, I stuck with it and did manage through the entire workout. I feel that is really important, and I feel good for having completed the workout. I considered doing some abs after the cardio, but I was far too tired for that.
The diet has been going pretty well. The featured photo today is of a wonderful salad that my lovely partner made for me the other night after she got home from work. This was a chicken and aspargus salad that she made. For an interesting variation she added in some peeled and sliced bits of orange that were a triumph. They really added to the flavour and taste of the meal. Let me know if anyone wants the recipe. I never thought that I would be into vegetables, but I have to say that I am really looking forward to the fish and salad that she has promised to make for me tonight. It should be great - there is a fresh fish shop near where she works and she thinks she can get us some wonderful fish for tonight. Yum!
The salad looks good. mmmmmmmm
Not everyday you can push yourself like the day before.
It was delicious let me tell you. My partner is a great cook, and this simple dish was fantastic. Helps to keep me motivated to stick with the diet when this sort of thing is served up at home, let me tell you!
Yes, I need to keep things in perspective when evaluating my performances. Tomorrow will be tough, the workout with the trainer, followed by my normal cardio routine. That will be tough, but I am hoping that I can handle it.
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