The Best of Intentions...
Yep, I didn't make it to the gym today! Surprise, surprise I woke up late this morning and didn't have time to get there before we had to take off to get to Bondi today. The game last night was a bit of a fizz. My team lost, however it did not drive me to break the rules! I stuck with the diet coke and had a good evening (even if I did have a bit of a caffeine buzz on by the end of the night). I think that a loss will do my team some good at this point. They were getting a bit cocky really, so this should bring them back down to earth...with a crash!
So, up late and it ended up being a bit of a dash to the train. We made the 11:15 train into town and shot into Bondi Junction on a packed train. The Sydney Swans were playing today and the train was packed with AFL supporters off to watch the game. They seemed in a good mood so I take it that the local team is doing well. I don't watch the game myself, it doesn't make much sense to me and kicking a ball between two upright sticks doesn't seem that difficult.
We arrived at Bondi Junction not really knowing what to expect. We had hoped to get some more Heuheutenango coffee that we both like. We managed to find a shop that sold it by accident, we had called in to see if they knew where the mayan coffee shop was located. As an extra bonus, they also sold it cheaper than buying direct from the mayan coffee merchants! So, armed with coffee in hand we decided to check out the main mall in Bondi Junction.
This was my second mistake of the day! Once inside the mall, we virtually didn' come out until darkness was descending! It had been our intention to walk to Bondi beach, but once we discovered that the mall was at least four levels, and had so many shops that we were looking for that we just had to stay. On the bright side we made some good purchases, and we did walk a considerable distance during the day!
I decided that I had to get some new shoes. I discovered another blister on my foot last night and this indcates that I still have issues with my shoes. We went into a shoe store and I am now $190.00 poorer. They had better be pretty bloody good shoes for that kind of moolah! I guess I should add that I also got 3 pairs of lightfeet socks for blister prevention and moisture management! They sounded rather high tech, and as I was labouring under the pain of yet another blister I thought that I should give them a go. They boast 'seamless technology', 'padded protection', and 'arch support'. This all sounds good and I will let you know how I get on them tomorrow.
I was deligthed to find that there was a David Jones store at Bondi Junction. David Jones is a department store and they have a renowned food hall there, with all sorts of gourmet goodies on sale. I found some more coffee to try that claims it is enjoyed by the coffee elite. With that kind of claim I just had to put it to the test. My partner got some paella rice (a speciality of hers), an oil burner, and some smelly candles.
One of the highlights of the day was happening upon a branch of my gym in the mall. It was located on the upper levels and boasted a platinum club designation. I had no idea what that meant, and went in to find out what the fuss was all about. I soon discovered that my membership was not platinum and that if I wanted to work out there, I had to pay $5.00 to do so. If I wanted to upgrade, I had to pay an extra $10.00 per fortnight for the privilege. I decided to check it out and they let my partner and I in to have a look around and see what all the fuss was about.
Initially I couldn't swee why I would pay an extra $5 for a gym that looked the same as the one I went to, except for the absence of a swimming pool. However, on closer inspection I noticed a massive wall of windows with untold treadmills all facing the window. We went over and it was a revelation. Whereas I get to look at a wall with some televisions on it, the platinum club members get one of the most spectacular vistas in Sydney. The view is tremendous, looking out on the harbour over to the North Shore, Harbour Bridge, and to the City Centre. Worth $5.00 per visit? Not for me, but if I lived near that gym I would join like a shot. I bet that view would inspire some great workouts in yours truly! I must say that the staff were really helpful and looked after us well while we were there.
After trapsing around the entire mall we decided to have a very late lunch at the foodcourt. This was no ordinary foodcourt. Firstly the food was prepared by the vendors in full view of the public, and the food court seating area was huge, and surprisingly well furnished. There were tables and chairs like you would expect to find in fine restaurants (only missing the table cloths). Also, you could sit outside if you wanted, and you got a similar view to the one at the gym. It was most impressive. We shared Korean chilli BBQ chicken with rice and veg, and a dozen small falafels with hommus between the two of us. Laden with shopping it was time to take the train home and get ready for the coming week.
All in all it was a great day for the two of us. Truth be told I am not worried about missing the gym, all of the meandering through the mall more than made up for that. The diet has gone well this weekend, and I am looking forward to my first spin class tomorrow morning. I will let you all know how the socks handle it, not to mention my heart! I feel like I am heading into a good week of exercise and weight loss. For the first time I am actually looking forward to it. But best of all my plan for Friday night worked. I went past at least 4 KFCs today and did not feel like venturing into any of them, much less eating any of the Colonels produce. The craving has passed, fended off by a tactical roast chicken, spuds, and kumara (sweet potato). Hooray! Let's hope the week goes as well as it feels like it will!
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