Fighting Phat

I need to lose weight and this blog is about my fight against fat. I was 145 kgs (319lbs) at the start of my quest. My goal is to lose 45 kgs (99lbs) of fat. I will be posting my experiences, exercise charts, nutrition plans, and weight on a regular basis to track my progress towards my goal weight of 100 kgs (222lbs). I hope that there are some people out there that might want to join me, post comments, or who may find my blog helpful for any weight loss they may wish to achieve.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Another Short Term Goal Reached

Fantastic! I am feeling really stoked, and really good about myself today! And this is in spite of having to cry off from the full on cardio workout today after the session with the trainer. That's right, today I couldn't make it all the way through the trainer's session and then on to the full new cardio workout. However, there was good reason and I think I did the right thing.

The reason that I couldn't do all of the cardio workout today was that I was tired from yesterday. I got up this morning and had sore legs from the workout, followed by the full session of cardio training that I am required to do. I made it to the gym on time, but I wasn't feeling 100% into it when I got there.

The trainer told me that today was going to be a hard workout day, and I wont tell you all of the exercises that she made me do, but the focus of it was clearly to get my heart pumping and there was no stopping at all today. I was back to running with weights again today, around the gym for 3 laps per set during the first series of exercises. The second set of exercises included more running around the gym, this time without weights, and mate that made a real difference. I felt like I was an olympic sprinter once I had ditched those dumbells.

The workout was good, although I did pull the trainer up on a couple of exercises that she was getting me to do that were just a waste of time in my opinion. I couldn't feel them working anything so I just suggested to her that I do the standard form of the exercise rather than using pulleys and benches and stuff. She agreed and noted that each variation I made to the exercise actually made it harder. So it seems that even when tired I am getting much better. She was positive today, and said that I worked out well. I sure felt like I did as I put as much effort into it as I could. At the end I was absolutely stuffed, which is how it should be. There was no way I could have done a full cardio session, but I did work in a walk for 25 minutes.

The trainer and I had a chat about my working out two days in a row like I have been. I had thought that it was for only a short period of time (while she had exams on) and asked when we would be going back to Mondays and Thursdays again. I feel that two days in a row is pretty hard, and it also leaves me absolutely shattered just before the weekend. This is dangerous because the weekend is when it is most easy to avoid the gym all together. I am happy to report that we've agreed to go back to Mondays and Thursday next week. My main interest in doing so is to get in a position where I will be able to put in a better effort after some recovery time for each workout.

The official weigh in stats have me past the most recent short term goal. I am stoked to not only be in the 120's, but to be well within that range by just a bit less than a whole kilo. This marks two weeks of quite substantial drops and I am sure that this wont continue for much longer, however I will take it while it is there. The measurements that I take are indicating that the weight coming off is now starting to come from my stomach area which is good, I hope that lasts as it is the area that I need to lose weight from the most. Hopefully when I get to the new goal of 125kg I will be much smaller around the middle!

I feel really good at the moment, and the best thing is that I feel that I am not missing out on anything, or going without things that I want. One of the best things so far is that I have been able to get back into clothes in my wardrobe that haven't fit me for about two years. My jeans have been dusted off and I can wear them without feeling uncomfortable at all. My leather jacket is still a tad taut around the shoulders, but pretty soon it will be fitting me well. I guess I should try my suits on one of these days and see how they are looking!

So, the long and torrid contest continues, but things are still going well. I hope to have more good news to report next week, and will of course keep you all updated on my exercise over the weekend, and if we head out on any expeditions around Sydney. I think that is unlikely as the weather is not that crash hot at the moment, but you never know! Until next time, fight the good fight.


At 3:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a fantastic effort. By my calculations it's only 7 weeks since you started and you've lost over 15 kgs - wow!!!!! So keep on fighting the battles because you will win the war.

At 3:43 PM, Blogger Frontman said...

Thanks for that, I am definitely proud of how far I have been able to get in 7 weeks, and I never thought that I would feel so good for having done it. I just have to keep going and I will get to where I want to be. I'm feeling good, am still into what I am doing, and the exercise is getting so much better that now I want to push myself and do even better during each workout. Maybe this weekend I'll make it to the gym both days!

At 4:06 PM, Blogger Askazombiehousewife said...

That's such cool knews your in the 120's woo hoo.

At 4:25 PM, Blogger Frontman said...

Thanks iportion, I am stoked to be down in the 120s. I think the exercise should get easier from here on in - being lighter makes running a lot easier/possible!

At 6:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello..i read all your posts..i want to say you i did some cardio for one week and i lost 2 kilo.i want to mention i don't have a very drastic diet. i tryed don't eat after 6 pm and i reduced sweets and acidulated drinks. Also i tried to drink 2l water per day. Every day i did cardio(about 50 min-1 hour) on my elliptical bike. It really works!

At 1:38 PM, Blogger Frontman said...

Hi Andutza, that's a really great result for one week! Well done. I agree, I think the less drastic the diet during the phase where you are getting started with your cardio is really important, it makes it easier to get used to exercising and easier to manage the transition. And, those easy changes, like doing away with sweets and reducing soft drinks, replacing them with water, definitely works well in conjunction with exercise. Manageable changes are the way to go. Congratulations again on your great result. Keep up the good work.


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