Fighting Phat

I need to lose weight and this blog is about my fight against fat. I was 145 kgs (319lbs) at the start of my quest. My goal is to lose 45 kgs (99lbs) of fat. I will be posting my experiences, exercise charts, nutrition plans, and weight on a regular basis to track my progress towards my goal weight of 100 kgs (222lbs). I hope that there are some people out there that might want to join me, post comments, or who may find my blog helpful for any weight loss they may wish to achieve.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Monster Workout Cut Short

As you all know, Thursday is the day that I normally have an hour workout with the trainer, and then I normally grind out 50 minutes of cardio. Today the trainer had me do an extra hard workout, with a lot of squats, deadlifts, and running. My heart rate was through the roof at some points, but I did manage to do it all and I felt good when I had finished. Tired, but good. I did stop once or twice, but completed all I was supposed to, and even did a few extra on some of the exercises.

After the workout I went to complete my cardio workout, and I found a machine that allowed me to workout for 30 minutes, instead of the usual 20 minutes (each plus the mandated 5 minute warm down period). I got stuck into it, and was even doing well, with 20 minutes having been knocked off the workout, when suddenly the treadmill stopped working and I nearly pushed myself right into the front readout panel. The power went off and all of the treadmills and TVs in the gym stopped working. It was pretty dangerous really, and I was fortunate not to be in the middle of a running leg when the cut happened.

So, aside from the danger, the power outage also wiped all of the stats that I normally keep for a record of the workout! Talk about gutted, I was really put out that this had happened and ruined my record keeping! Anyway, I sucked it up and went to start again for the remainder of the 35 minutes I had started. I barely got going again when the power cut out for the second time. I figured that this was a sign, and wasn't keen to press on when each time it cut out I was worried about falling over or hurting myself somehow. For the sake of 10 minutes, and already being really tired from the workout, I cut it short. Even after getting my things from the changing rooms, the power still wasn't back on indicating that there may be something serious that they need to repair down there. I didn't do it! I swear!

My partner's birthday yesterday went well. We went out for dinner and were joined by her cousin. Before dinner we went to a bar in a hotel on the 36th floor. It had amazing views of the city, all the way up the harbour, and of course over the bridge to the north shore. We arrived as the sun was setting and it was wonderful to be able to sit there, sip on some nice red wine and watch the sun go down. She really enjoyed it, and got stuck into the very nice cocktails which were conveniently priced as two for one! Great timing!

I must say that I had originally thought I might have a beer, but then I saw the wine selection they had. I went just for the house red, which was pretty good but not remarkably good. What was remarkable about the experience was the enormous glass that it came in. I have never seen anything like it and had trouble drinking out of it. I reckon that you could easily have kept a gold fish in there and it wouldn't have felt unduly contrained at any point in time. It did have the effect of magnifying the aroma of the wine and preserving it to be enjoyed during the entire drinking experience. It was a very nice place, and very busy. We'll definitely go back, a great way to see the city and have a nice wine at the same time.

After that we went to dinner, and it was a buffet style restaurant so my partner could indulge in as many prawns as she wanted. I shocked myself as I had allowed myself free reign at the buffet, but I retired completely full after only two goes at the buffet. In the past that would have been unheard of. I think that my stomach is not as big as it used to be and it takes less food to fill me up now.

My partner and her cousin put in a good effort, however they don't have the same issues that I do! We were surprised at the quality of food, not only was there a large selection but each dish was well prepared and kept well even though buffets are not normally ideal. There was also a dessert bar and I did have a couple of scoops of chocolate ice cream and chocolate sauce. It was delicious and I don't regret it one bit! It remains to be seen tomorrow whether or not I will regret it, but I don't think I will. I know I wont be kilos down on last week, but I expect I will be around the 129kg mark. A little low on the workouts this week, and the birthday will have an effect, but all in all I feel good for having had a short break. This weekend, weather permitting, my partner and I are planning either a massive walk, or a massive bike ride, so I am expecting a big one next week. I'll keep you posted, and don't forget to check out my results tomorrow.


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