A Great Start!
One thing that can definitely be said for having a weekend where I don't go to the gym is that I am well rested come Monday morning. Although I was tired this morning, once I was up and had consumed my coffee shot, I felt great. My legs and neck were better, and I had no pain anywhere. The weather is still fantastic and I almost felt like skipping on my way to the gym. Had it not been for the fact that I would look ridiculous skipping, and there were other humans around, I probably would have!
Once I got to the gym I did my normal cardio routine, although I upped the running sections to 9km/ph as this is much more comfortable than running at 8 km/ph as the rhythm suits me more at that speed. I also put the speed up to 10km/ph at one stage and I think that in future I will make the speed I run at 10km/ph as it is very smooth and doesn't seem to be too stressful. 50 minutes of cardio done and I felt great, and had worked up a real sweat. I toyed with the idea of doing some extra work after the cardio, but then I remembered that I have my training session this afternoon at 2:00p.m, a mere 3.5 hours from now. I'm looking forward to it, and am hoping that I feel as good as I did after the cardio session this morning.
I forgot to mention in my posting from Friday that I finally figured out what the object that I have been describing very poorly is. The object I am referring to is what I previously described as a half sphere of a Swiss Ball with a flat bottom. It is in fact a "Bosu", or that is the brand name of the company that makes them, I'm not sure. When I was on my last press up using the said Bosu I noticed the name appeared on the flat underside of the object. If you want to have a look at what a Bosu is, click here. The woman in the middle of the screen is balancing on two of the things that I am made to use at the gym (otherwise known as Bosu). For my squats and press ups the Bosu is up the other way, ie the ball side is on the floor and my hands (or feet) are on the flat side. It makes things quite a bit more difficult, let me tell you! I do think that some exercises are performed much better on a Bosu, it makes you focus on other muscles and works them out as well as the ones doing the lifting.
So, now you'll know what I am talking about when I mention the Bosu! I feel good having 690.5 calories out of the way, and knowing that a session is coming up shortly. I am chowing down on my weetbix, flavoured with honey and coconut and I must say they are pretty good. I have always found that ordinary weetbix are a bit bland, but these ones are nice, still don't have much sugar in them even though the allegedly contain honey. The coconut and additional power of the bran make them a great start to the day. I like them! Don't forget to check back later to see how my afternoon workout went.
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