Best Cardio Workout Yet!
It was a bit of a slow start for me this morning. I lingered a bit longer in bed than usual, but I did manage to rouse myself in time to help my partner get to work, and of course make her breakfast before she took off out the door. I didn’t leave for the gym until about 8:45, and stopped to return some DVDs to Blockbuster on the way there. After that I didn’t start my cardio session this morning until about 9:15. I was meeting the gardener at home at 11:00 so when I hit the treadmill I was ready to go for it, although I did have plenty of time to do the workout in.
I did, more or less, the workout that the trainer set for me. As I have said, the treadmills at the gym work on a 25 minute cycle as a maximum to stop people from hogging them. This means that I have to interrupt the workout, and re-enter my data, which is a bit distracting. It is a pain, particularly at the times that I go as the treadmills are never that much in demand, with only 50% of them being used as at most.
However, today instead of simply finishing off the workout in the second session, I extended the workout for another period of 25 minutes. I did follow the set routine until it was completed 6 minutes into the second session, but after that I decided the pace, and incline at random depending on how I felt.
I have to say that I do feel really good, and when I was on the treadmill, the entire time I felt much better physically that I have for a long time. I actually wanted to push myself today and do more than I could comfortably do. I did have some pain in my shins, but nothing like it had been only a few days ago. I knew that I could handle it. The pain from my blister had also gone, thanks to the change in shoes I think. I didn’t think that I would ever be doing this, or at least not this soon into the journey, but I was actually looking forward to walking the faster 7.0 km/ph parts of the workout! I even added in some additional 7.0 km/ph periods in the second session to get a better workout. For the full results of my workout click here, or click on the links section of this page.
So, after a 50 minute workout, I left the gym and did some shopping on the way home. I purchased a lettuce crisper plastic container as I am going to be eating more lettuce and don’t have room for it all in the vegetable bin in my fridge. I also got some bread for lunch today to finish off the fat free ham that I have in fridge (not part of the diet but I am not going to throw it out as it doesn’t come cheap and isn’t that bad for me). I should be tucking into that really soon as it is 1:00 now and I need to keep food moving through my system.
I get weighed tomorrow by the trainer so that should be interesting. I am supposed to have breakfast and this will be the first time that I have been weighed after eating. The official weigh in will be recorded on Friday in the same circumstances as always – after a cardio workout, in the same clothes each week, at the same time of day, on the same scales, and before eating for the day. I will post the weight tomorrow, but it won’t be part of the official record kept in the table on this page, or on the graphic at the top of the page. Check back in to see how I get on this Friday for the official weight.
You might notice that there have been some changes to this blog over on the left hand side of the page. I have included a blog roll which contains links to sites on a similar theme to this one that people might like to have a look at. Also, this site is now listed on a web ring of similar sites, and you can click on the button to check out those other sites if you feel like reading some more material like this.
Thanks also for the comments that have been left on this blog. The comments really make a difference and help keep me positive about things, and keep me heading in the right direction. Make sure that you all check back here tomorrow to see how my morning session with the trainer goes. I am going to get an early night tonight so that I can put in a really good effort during tomorrow’s session and see if I can surprise her.
Dear fighter
I have only just read your last 2 blogs. Good going. I will be really interested to see the weigh in figure for Friday. i think you have had a first breakthrough and that is your good feeling on the treadmill. This will be repeated often hopefully so that going back to the old body will be less and less likely. Go you good thing. Aleman
Hi there Aleman, good to see you back. Hope that things have been going well for you in terms of your own battle with the fat.
It really was a breakthrough for me today. Feeling so good while exercising is a distant memory these days! The weigh in figure will be very interesting, however I am determined not to be put off if it isn't what I am hoping for. I feel so much better at the moment, and that is really encouraging in itself.
Check back tomorrow to see what the trainer has me at, and then again on Friday for the official weight.
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