Hard Work Today
The session this morning with the personal trainer was pretty hard. I got to the gym at about 8:15 and happened to meet the trainer on my walk there. Apparently I wasn’t supposed to do cardio before my session with her, however I clearly remember she told me to do exactly that. It is a bit frustrating when you get told different things that you should be doing by the same person. Also she said that I should have had breakfast, however because I had been told not to eat before cardio I obviously hadn’t eaten.
So, after a rocky start I got on the treadmill and went at a relatively sedate pace of 6 km/ph for 25 minutes until she came to get me. The reason I went slower was because I could tell that she was not going to let up on the exercise today that I would be doing with her. I approached it as an extended warm up. I got through 300 calories anyway which wasn’t too bad considering.
We went over the weight area where she had me do a new version of the squats with shoulder press exercise. The new version involved the use of a barbell which initially was not good. However, after I complained that really these were pointless as my heels were coming off the floor so much that it rendered any leg workout almost redundant, she placed a couple of small weight lifting plates under my feet. This made a huge difference and I was right into it, 15 each set. After that I had to go immediately into bent over rows with a greatly increased weight from the last session. It wasn’t that great as the weight was probably too heavy for this stage, and my form suffered in the later reps. I was a bit concerned about my back, but cranked out 15 as demanded. Next up was running over a distance of perhaps 25m with hand held weights. I had to do 3 laps of there and back (50m return trip, so all up 50m x 3 = 150m). Long time since I had run that far, but I found it good and not as jarring as I had anticipated. I increased the pace and caught the trainer out as she thought I had only done 2 sets when I had in fact finished. That felt good. I repeated this 3 times.
Next up were the dreaded step ups onto the bench. I had to do these holding 7.5 kg weights, and do 12 reps per leg. Once I had done these I then had to use the same weights and do shoulder flys with them. I had to do 12 reps on this. After that I had to do crunches on the bench mixed in with sets of leg raises which were quite difficult today. I did this for three sets again, and was pretty well shattered at the end of it. The hour was largely up, and we finished off with some stretches to round out the session and then she weighed me.
I had been expecting this, and last night had been careful not to eat too much in anticipation of wanting a good result, however I did make sure that I ate three meals yesterday and didn’t go hungry at all. I am finding it difficult to cram 5-6 meals into the day however. I must make more of an effort in that regard or I am not really giving the trainer a fair crack at it as she has instructed me to eat that often. She weighed me on the balancing scales that the gym has, and that I am using for my official weigh ins. I weighed in at 141.5 kgs which I was pretty pleased with.
She was, I think, a bit worried that I would not take it this way, however to lose a kilo without really doing much work on the diet other than cutting out the silly stuff in one week is pretty good. Most importantly of all I am continuing on in the right direction and I feel pretty good. I don’t want to go too hard at the moment, I think that it is, to be frank, a bit risky with all this extra weight on board. Also, the week is not completely up, and the birthday celebration would have had some effect I’m sure. I am going to be interested to see what the official weight is tomorrow. Check back then to see how I get on!
In the meantime, to avoid confusion I have asked the trainer to send me, by e-mail, the diet that she wants me to start (I think I will start this on Monday). I have also asked that she send me the cardio that she wants me to do. I wanted to avoid any chance that there was any confusion there as well. It will be interesting to see if I get it, and if I get the diet as promised by Monday. I’ll keep you posted on that too!
Dear Fighter
141 kilos is a great result for the time you have been going. I hope it gives you an extra boost to keep going and achieve the goals of the trainer. The social round continues to be my big problem with friends coming this weekend i will have to be careful. Keep well and keep going.
Thanks for that, I was pleased with the result too. I find that it is very easy to be put off by other people's negativity, and let's face it, any loss is a step in the right direction. The loss itself was great, and you are right, it does help to keep motivation going when you are rewarded with weight loss.
Well aleman, I know what you mean about social situations, I have another test coming up on Friday night. I have to attend a university function with my partner at which there will be a free bar. As you will know, beer is a no no and I am to stay away from alcohol as much as possible. It will be a test, but at this stage I think I will be okay given the loss of today and the fact that I am feeling good still. You be careful this weekend, don't undo all your good work in one session!
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