Fighting Phat

I need to lose weight and this blog is about my fight against fat. I was 145 kgs (319lbs) at the start of my quest. My goal is to lose 45 kgs (99lbs) of fat. I will be posting my experiences, exercise charts, nutrition plans, and weight on a regular basis to track my progress towards my goal weight of 100 kgs (222lbs). I hope that there are some people out there that might want to join me, post comments, or who may find my blog helpful for any weight loss they may wish to achieve.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Late Start, Good Workout, and More Furniture Building!

I hit the gym a little later this morning, around 9:00.  I was up late last night trying to construct my bookcase and didn’t get to bed until quite late.  I wasn’t able to finish the job in any event as it was too late to start hammering away at the backboard that needed to be nailed into place.  In any event, I was able to finish off the bookcase this morning and will be filling it up with books this afternoon so that I can finally finish off unpacking the rest of our stuff from the move.

I got to the gym and went for 15 minutes on the cross trainer.  It was a good session, and as I got off the machine my trainer shouted out some encouragement from across the gym.  That was nice, as I hadn’t realized that she was there, but at least I know that she could see the effort that I was putting in.  I went for 1.15 km distance, did 245 calories in total, and my heart rate at the end of the session was 149 beats per minute.  

After this I was onto the treadmill as per usual.  I struggled to find a machine that would allow more than the 25 minute limit, and in the end had to give up.  I got on the treadmill and did 25 minutes with 6.0 as the starting pace, holding that for 3 minutes, and then increasing the pace to 7.0 for 2 minutes.  I kept this up, a slightly faster pace than usual, for 15 minutes by which time my shins were really hurting me.  I then kept the pace at 6.0 and increased the incline to 2 for the 2 minutes where previously I had been going faster.  That was a good compromise, however I now have a goal to complete the whole 25 minutes doing the 6/7 split.

At the conclusion of the time on the treadmill I was huffing and puffing so I know that I had a good workout.  I did 2.59 kilometers, 301.4 calories, and my heart rate at the end of the session was 142 beats per minute.  I felt good, however the soreness in my shins persisted.  I cycled to the gym and home again today which I think was pretty good so that I didn’t put any extra stress on them.

I recorded all the details of my workouts in the notebook as I decided to do yesterday.  It was good to have a written record, and of course now I can use the data.  This afternoon I will be constructing an Excel spreadsheet that will record these details on a per session basis so that I can track the intensity of my workouts in some objective manner.  I want to try and track my progress in a similar way to progress in terms of my weight.

Speaking of which, my next weigh in is on Friday and I am hoping for some loss that can be recorded and added to the loss that I had last time I weighed in.  The Blog will be updated with the new weight on Friday and I really hope that it is a loss.  The birthday could have set me back a bit, however all will be revealed on Friday when the weight is measured, and the blog updated.  I feel good, but I cannot tell if I am any lighter or not.  One more session with the trainer before the weigh in, and she says that she wants to see a loss of 750 grams.  Not long now and we will know if I have lived up to that goal!

Also, I previously posted an e-mail address for people to contact me.  I have subsequently had e-mail set up as part of the web page and it would be better for people who wish to contact me to do so there.  The e-mail address is so e-mail me any comments you might have, or if you’d just like to make comments and not have them published, or even just for support in your own fight against fat.


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