New Cardio Programme Gets Thumbs Up!
Today was my first cardio session following the official new cardio rules given to me by the personal trainer. What she has done is given me a treadmill plan which spans 31 minutes, and calls for variations of speed and the incline during that period. I was intrigued to see how I would find it, and was also hoping that my foot would hold up okay.
I got my socks on okay this morning, but when I went to put on my usual shoes, I noticed that there was a hole right where the blister had formed. I decided to try some new shoes that I have had for a while, but have found a bit tight and only use them sparingly. I got them on, and they felt much better than the other shoes, and less tight than I remember. I took off to the gym at the usual time, just after 8 this morning.
I followed the treadmill plan to the letter, however I was disappointed to find that the only way to operate the treadmill for 31 continuous minutes is to ‘quick start’ it. This option means that your weight, age, and other personal information are not entered into the machine. As a result, the calculations made by the machine are not as accurate as they could be. I decided the best option was to do the 25 minute maximum following the plan, and then add on the rest of the plan as another session (so there is a break of about 30 seconds while reentering the information). I added on a further 10 minutes following the remainder of the plan, extending the warm down period to cover the additional time I had added on (35 minutes in total).
The cardio plan was good, and because I started with the treadmill today (as opposed to starting with the cross trainer like I usually do), I didn’t have such pronounced soreness in my shins and was able to do everything that she had set out. I was especially pleased that I was able to manage all of the fast times, and the additional incline groups, that she had put down. I felt really good when I finished and decided to get on the cross trainer and go hard for 10 minutes to finish off the workout before walking home. I had a good sweat on and was huffing and puffing before finishing the work out. I took off home felling good, and the foot didn’t feel too bad either. The knee took it well today which is a good sign. I will post the cardio workout I have been given later today.
So, all in all it was a great start to the day. At the moment I am sipping green tea with all the doors open in my home to try and get some air through. Our new house gets damp, which is awful. However, if I keep fresh air coming through that should help a lot. Also, it is warmer outside than it is inside often. I think that we will have to get a dehumidifier for our house so that our clothes don’t get moldy. I am doing all the washing today, and will also get some of the chores done this afternoon, such as vacuuming and getting dinner together nice and early.
Some of you might want to know about the diet. I have decided that I will give it a go, but I already have food in the house that isn’t on the diet. I don’t want to throw all of that good food away just because it isn’t on the diet, and frankly I can’t see that there is anything wrong with what I have. I’m not talking about M&Ms or anything silly like that. I mean steak and other normal food. I should imagine that I will be starting the diet later this week, probably on Friday. In the meantime I will work on posting a version of it later today, so check my blog later today to see what the diet is.
The data from my workout has been entered on Phat Fighter’s Aerobic Fitness Progress Chart which you can download and check out how I am going.
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