Official Weight and Records Taken
I woke up very late today, my feet didn’t touch the floor until 11:00! Lazy slothful man! I was very tired, and had managed to sleep through my partner leaving at about 6:00 this morning, she had an early start today. I didn’t get up to have breakfast with her as the work meeting she was going to was putting on breakfast for her.
It is horrible weather outside today, gloomy, wet, and there is even some thunder and lightning to make things a bit more interesting. Not the best day for being out and about. I walked to the gym, and got pretty wet and cold doing so which didn’t make for the best preparation for cardio.
It was a fairly light session today, as my knees, quads, and back were sore from yesterday’s session with the trainer. I didn’t bother taking measurements as my body was telling me to take it easy today, so I did. I walked on the treadmill for 45 minutes at 5.0 kmph. So, fairly light, but it was all that I felt like doing today, and normally when I am in the mood to go hard, the urge takes over once I start. So, with the pain I had, I decided to take it easy.
I weighed myself after the treadmill for the official record. It was the same as the day before, but due to being wet I should think I was probably a bit lighter after the extra day from the weigh in yesterday. However, what the scales say is what gets recorded. 141.5 kgs is the official result for this week, so a loss of 1 kg which I am pleased with. I gather that one kg per week is the maximum recommended weight loss per week (whatever that means!).
I took my measurements when I got home following the same rules as last week. Again these record progress which I am pleased with. I have also started the excel spreadsheet I have previously talked about, and entered the data on it that I have taken with regard to my weight. You will be able to find that spreadsheet on the web site later on today. The web site is here if you want to check that out. In the meantime, the measurements that I took are recorded on the table next to this post, as per usual!
Well, bring on the weekend I say. My partner and I are heading off to Cronulla (which apparently has a magnificent beach) for a walk of at least 10 kms in preparation for the city to surf walk next weekend. The City to Surf course is 14 kms and my preparation has been limited to what I have been doing at the gym. Perhaps not ideal but it will be better than nothing I am sure. The maximum length of time you can take to walk the race is 5 hours, I am sure that we will both be able to do it. We’ll take precautions against chafing, dehydration, blisters and what have you, so we should be right. I’m looking forward to it, we have yet to officially enter so will need to get our skates on. Until then, keep on with your fight against fat, and check back tomorrow for more on the walk and my ongoing fight against fat.
Well done with your weigh in. A bit of glass half empty I reckon when you say you've lost a kg - why don't you say you've lost 3.5kg. Your measurements look really interesting. Some quite big changes there if you'll pardon the pun!!!! Stay focussed on your goal - I'm full of admiration. Next week could see that short term goal achieved.
I guess you are right there, however I am trying to track my progress weekly to ensure that I keep heading towards my goal. Overall the 3.5 kg since I started on my fight against fat is a great step in the right direction for me towards my goal in both the long and short term.
Make no mistake, I am happy with my achievements to date, as I have said, I'll take any loss that gets me closer to my goal! I'm not complaining.
Thanks for the comments.
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