Feeling Good This Morning
I had to take an extra 10 minutes sleep this morning when the alarm peeled out at 5:00am. I toyed with the idea of getting some more sleep, but eventually dragged myself out of bed and got ready for day one of the new routine. When I took off it was about 25 past 5, and it was quite chilly outside. I went for 5 minutes of walking to warm up, and then got into my 30/30 split walk run.
It was good, my knees were a bit dodgy from time to time, however I kept at it and by the end they were going okay. I think there will be a bit of lead in time while my body gets used to road running, as opposed to running on the treadmill. I went for 35 minutes all up. I had hoped to do 45 minutes, but it felt right to finish after 35 as I was near home, the traffic was picking up, and I was starting to feel it by that stage. So, that will do me for the first day on the new routine.
Right now I am chowing down on my sanitarium weetbixs. They are bran boosted for extra goodness. I have showered, and will be fed soon. It feels good to take some time to cool down before I get into my work clobber and get ready to face the day.
I've been on my own all weekend as my partner is already away. I miss her a lot, not having her here at the weekend was very hard. Now that I am working for the rest of the time until I see her again I will be right. I have even made my lunches for the entire week - sandwhiches that I have frozen and will take each day. Be interesting to see how that goes. I have also got stuff in for morning tea so that I can get used to not going out for lunch every day. Now that I am more settled in at work I feel that this is the right thing to do.
Well, best of luck to you all in your own fight against fat, and especially good luck to you over the silly season!
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