Christmas Day, and Day After
Well, this was one of the best christmas days on record ever. I had a wonderful time with the family. I was the deisgnated driver for the day, and this meant that I wasn't drinking any alcohol for most of the day. I collected my partner and my grandmother and we spent the day with my parents at the family home before I dropped my partner and grandmother off at their respective houses.
Christmas day is not christmas day without really nice food. My mother outdid herself this year, preparing a fillet of beef wrapped in bacon as the main dish. This was served with a superb greek salad, and with a bean and marinated mushroom salad as well. My grandmother had grown her own potatoes, so we had those boiled with some fresh mint to give them a bit of go. It was a superb meal. Dessert was christmas pudding, or plum duff, with cream, ice cream, and custard (I avoided the custard, the cream etc... was enough for me). It was worth waiting for, and for the first time in a very long time I had a great meal and did not feel in the least bit guilty or over weight, or as if people were watching me and thinking that I needed to pull myself in! It did feel great. I know there is more work to be done, but I still feel good about having come this far. I am looking forward to 2007 when I will start again in earnest, probably around the 6th of January (there has to be a lead in time!).
On the present front I did very well. I got some really nice soap that was named after various wines. The smells were terrific and I think that they will be something that I can use on special occaisions, as opposed to every day use. It was a great gift. I also got a fair swag of cash, although I gave a fair chunk of it to my partner so that she can get herself some nice things while she is over here. We have a bit more money now that I am working full time, and as we are on holiday at the moment, we need to make the most of it as we wont be on holiday again for quite some time. We have started a new savings scheme so that when we are next on holiday, we should have a fair bit of cash to ensure that we have a good one.
My grandmother seemed to like the candleabra that we got for her. It was in the shape of a palm tree so it should be pretty nice. My mother got a peshmina from us that was very beautiful. She had been saying that she wanted more things that she could wear that would go around her neck, and now she has another thing at least! She can add it to her jewellery collection! My father got the two books that he was after, well at least one of the ones he has been looking for. I think that he will enjoy the book that I got for him, it did very well in Australia and I know that he is interested in that sort of thing.
I got a yoga mat for my partner, and she was embarrassed as we had said that we weren't going to get presents for each other. I assumed this meant that I still had to get something for her, but apparently this is one of those times where one should not do the opposite of what one's partner says! Never mind, she will get a lot of use out of it, has been wanting one for ages, never got around to getting it, and it is only a small gift so a good result in the end.
Well, that is about it for now. Hope that you are all having equally good times. I look forward to resuming normal posting in the not too distant future.