Pain Persists
I'm not sure what it is, but the shin pain continued today. I still think that it is mostly in my mind, as during the second 25 minute session today, the pain went away in spite of the fact that I ran at 10km/ph for 3 minutes in that leg. I stuck with the training regime that had been given to me, and I did make it to the end. It isn't as hard as what I was doing, but I think it is important to work through whatever it is that is causing the pain without adding too much stress. I will discuss it with the trainer on Wednesday when I next see her, however it may resolve itself by then in any event.
I did add on some extra time on the treadmill today as my knee was also a bit tight during the last walking phase of the 50 minute workout. I decided that I would add on another 25 minute walking session at 6 km/ph which I find is easy. I hoped that this would work out the area and get a bit of blood pumping through without placing any stress on the area. It seemed to work as I felt really good while doing this part of the workout, and I felt really good on the walk home. It was great to walk all the way home without any pain or stiffness at all. I am thinking that perhaps the fact that I don't do any stretching at all on my own may be causing the issues that I am having. I will address this during the week by doing some stretching of my own at home. My hamstrings in paticular are very tight and I think it affects me widely.
The pilates class turned out to be a bit of a fizz today. I did not have any stiffness or tightness anywhere that I was hoping I might. I think it may be a technique thing and I probably have to give it a bit more time before I decide to move on to something else, however for the meantime I may use the pilates class as something to add on after a cradio workout on Sunday mornings. I wont be too tired to concentrate on form, and I can also be sure that I am burning enough calories. I'm looking forward to another workout with the trainer this week, be good to get some huffing and puffing underway with some weights thrown in for good measure.
Slow down if it's hurting like that. Too many times macho thoughts (or coaches, training buddies etc) make us push an injury. I think the 'Go Hard' mentality is appropriate (sometimes) if the problem is just fatigue, but if it's an actual injury there is nothing to be gained and much to be lost from pushing. I've set training back weeks at a time from idiotic things like that, when a few days of just going 'quite hard' instead of 'real hard', or just favouring the sore spot to nurse it through, would have worked better.
I think the 'Push through the pain' thing comes from competitive sports, where risking an injury is encouraged if the game is in jeopardy. But it's totally inappropriate for personal training, where the whole point is health. There's nothing healthy about sitting around with a sore knee, feeling bitter that you can't train.
Sounds like you've followed that advice - I think we get to know the difference between fatigue pain and injury pain. Perhaps your knees aren't quite up to the pounding your heart and legs may be able to give them now - give them time, and another 10kg of weight loss, perhaps? Also, perhaps that pilates fatigued you in ways you don't fully appreciate yet?
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