Fighting Phat

I need to lose weight and this blog is about my fight against fat. I was 145 kgs (319lbs) at the start of my quest. My goal is to lose 45 kgs (99lbs) of fat. I will be posting my experiences, exercise charts, nutrition plans, and weight on a regular basis to track my progress towards my goal weight of 100 kgs (222lbs). I hope that there are some people out there that might want to join me, post comments, or who may find my blog helpful for any weight loss they may wish to achieve.

Thursday, October 12, 2006


Wow, pulling up very sore this morning. The pain is good pain however, just in the muscle and no joint pain at all. A bit of DOMS I think, although the delay was not that long as my legs were quite sore by yesterday lunchtime. I think that a recovery day is in order, and I intend to get out and walk around this fair city to make the most of a wonderful day.

I am going to head into Redfern and check out a couple of coffee houses there that roast and produce their own espresso blends. I plan to make a whole day of it as my partner will be at the university this afternoon and I can meet her there and we will probably have dinner out in the city at one of the nice and cheap claypot restaurants around there. Quite looking forward to it actually, it should be a great day.

I'll be walking between 15 and 20 kms all told today so I should be burning off a few calories, and it seems that my legs will get plenty of light exercise to help them get over the stresses of the lunges yesterday. It has been a while since she had me do the version of the lunges where you have dumbbells and essentially walk up and down the gym. She also had me run aroudn the gym after that and I was proud of the effort that I managed to put in. It was a good workout and I feel good about being able to do it. It should be a good challenge to back this workout up tomorrow, but I will cross that bridge when I get to it.

I may get a few photos of my travel today, so check back later as I will put any up that I take. Enjoy the day!


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