Back To Trainer Today
What a rough return to form with the trainer! It was an action packed workout, and right after we finished I was so tired that I had to have a bit of a lie down, pretending to stretch of course so that the rest of the gym goers wouldn't be able to catagorically detect that I had gone soft. There is some credible doubt there I feel with the feigned stretches that I carried out! Mate, I was shagged.
Turns out she intended to do it to me to see how I am holding up, and she indicated that she was pleasantly surprised at how well I did today, and how I handled a substantial increase in the weights. She is about to move and intends to send me a new cardio workout with more running in it to increase the calories that I am burning. Sounds like the new cardio workout will be what I turned the old one into over these last few weeks. Looking forward to it.
I was tired today after the workout, but I knew that if I just limped off home I would feel bad tomorrow, so I decided to get on the treadmill for a couple of 25 minute sessions at an easy pace. I felt much better after the 50 minutes of walking and even managed to stroll home with a bit of a spring in my step. The workout was good and I appreciated it all the after the short break that I have had. I am due to see her again on Firday morning and I am looking forward to it at this stage, however I am a little apprehensive as there is a fair bit of recovering that I will need to do bewteen now and then. I am sure that I will handle it.
I was too tired to think much about any other issues this morning on the treadmill. Two days until weigh in, that will be what occupies my mind until then!
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