Slow Start

Hey there fellow fat fighters, I had a pretty slow start to the day today. I got up with my partner as she had to work today, even though it is the weekend. Apparently it is a one off training course they are all doing today, so it isn't too bad. She did have to be out of here even earlier than she usually is during the week as the trains don't run anywhere near as frequently at the weekend as they do during the week. So, I managed to haul myself out of bed and make breakfast for her before she left.
I felt really tired and once she left I got on the computer and made a few changes to the blog. Instead of having so many separate tables, I have combined them now and my weight in pounds simply features as an additional column where I was able to do that. It looks a bit tidier and takes up less room that way.
Once I had finished doing that I finally got my act together and put bandages on the fresh blister and cycled down to the gym. Before I left I decided that since I spend so much time there I should take a picture of my gym so that you all can have a look at where I seem to be spending a fair chunk of my time these days! Hope you like the photo at the top of this entry.
I managed to tough it out and do the 31 minute workout that I have to do each day. I had sore feet, particularly when going at the fastest speed that I have to. At the end of the set routine, I decided to try and get on the cross trainer and see if I went any better on that. I found that my feet were much better and so I did an additional 10 minutes to round out the workout. I went as hard as I could and did pretty well considering that it was tough going today. I have update the spreadsheet and posted it so you can download it from the links if you wish.
I then took a couple of shots of the gym for everyone out there, and then cycled home. It was good to take the bike out, as I had been leaving it at home for a while so I could walk to the gym listening to my MP3 player. I took it today and it is so much faster than walking down. I think that I will use it a bit more often during the coming week.
That'll be it for today. I have only just had lunch which isn't so good, and I am heading out tonight to meet up with my partner and a friend of hers from childhood that is in town. We're heading down to the Rocks (the area by the Opera House) and are having dinner with the friend and her partner. It'll be interesting to see how I go as there doubtless be alcohol and fatty food on offer. I think that I should be fine though, the boost of having reached my first goal will keep me focussed. I will file a full report on how I get on tomorrow to let you all know. So, until tomorrow, keep fighting the good fight out there!
Hey fighter
Just visited your new and improved website and saw that the number of hits is rising as fast as your weight is going down! Good show and lets hope that you inspirwe some of them to fight as well. Have you got a goal for this week or is it one weigh in at a time? Hope the trainer is in a good mood!
Catch ya Aleman
Hi Aleman, thanks for your comments on the web site. I think that it is looking a lot better now, although I have a number of further improvements that I am hoping to make. Keep checking back to see what they are.
At the moment I am taking my weight loss one weigh in at a time, but you will see that my new short term goal is 135kgs or 297lbs. I don't expect to make that goal this week, or the week after. I am not sure how the weight loss will go this week, having lost so much last week. I'll just stick at it and see how I get on this week, without generating any expectations that I might not be able to live up to!
I've had a good weekend, but my blister is still playing up. It is hard to decide if I should go into the gym this morning to do the cardio workout and possibly undo all the healing it did yesterday. It has not yet gone away and I will have to make the decision soon. I have an appointment with the trainer this afternoon, so that might be enough of a workout for today. I'll let you know in my post this afternoon about what I decided to do.
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