Sore Today, But Workout Helped
I felt a bit sore this morning from the workout yesterday. The trainer had me do some Romanian deadlifts (straight legged variety) with dumbbells. I had only ever done them with a barbell before and I must say that the dbs made it a lot more difficult for the upper body. My shoulders and lats and feeling it today, but that is a good sign. I went in this morning and did a 50 minute session of the old routine as I felt that it would be a good idea to keep something up my sleeve for tomorrow morning when I next see the trainer. I'm looking forward to it and think that it will be a good leg session as we did mostly upper body last time.
Last night the new cardio workout arrived, however I decided that this morning would not be the best time to start it. I think Friday morning will be the first time that I give it a shot as it looks really tough. There is a lot more running in it than I am used to, and the walking phases are also quite quick. Clearly it is meant to challenge me and I feel that by Friday morning I should be ready to give it a crack. I did well this morning and got a good owrkout so I am feeling pretty good all in all.
News today is that a government report has been released estimating that obesity costs the country $21 billion a year, more than the government currently spends on medicare (the government run health insurance program). It seems that for the next few days there may be some debate on obesity and the epidemic currently sweeping the country that we hear so much about. I will try to collect any interesting snippets and pass them on, but so far the opposition has simply been stating that the government isn't doing enough about the problem, but I have yet to hear of any alternative proposals. Mind you, they have a pretty simple task if they are trying to come up with something more creative - they only have to beat a health minister who says it is the fault of people who just need to stop stuffing their faces with food and take responsibility for how fat they are. A real vote winner that!
We're shaping up for another good weekend. There was some suggestion that we may be doing another suburban walk, but it seems that the plan has changed at least both mornings we will be heading to the gym. I think that I will probably do the pump class again on Sunday as I did enjoy that. The other days I believe we will be doing at least one walk, and I personally am hopign that we do another coastal walk. My partner has managed to get her hands on a book called "Sydney Walks" so it seems that we will not be short of ideas on where to go! Fantastic.
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