New Cardio Workout Catches Up With Me...
I finally hit the wall this morning during my training session. I was very tired from the previous three days in a row of the new routine and even though I had twice as much coffee as usual before the workout, I was not able to fire on all cylanders today. The trainer understood, as she had seen me in there working out yesterday and said she was very impressed with what she saw. She slowed things down a bit today on the understanding that tomorrow morning will be another flat out session. She will be trying to get my heart rate up so the next session will be very intense. I will have to make sure that I get some rest today to prepare.
Aside from the fact that I wasn't quite my usual self during the training session, I did okay during the workout and managed to do everything that she asked of me. I even managed to do much better on the back exercises than usual which was good. I was tired, sweaty, and had it by the end, but I did manage to do a decent warm down at the end of the session on the treadmill. I feel better than I did yesterday after the cardio session, so I think I should be right for tomorrow morning.
The trainer and I had a discussion at the end of the workout about my preparation for Sunday's marathon walking effort. She suggested that I join her for a spin session during the group cycle calss on Saturday morning. She wants to take me through it and teach me how to do the class properly. I think this is a good idea, even though she suggested that it may be a bit tough and leave me sore for the next day. I think that I will be okay, but if it gets too tough I can always throttle back a bit. However, I doubt that will be required and I'll go as hard as I can and maybe I can work this class into my routine to break the monotony of the constant treadmill workouts. It'll be good and I am really looking forward to it.
The walk on Sunday should be great, a bit of a challenge and something fun to do. We should see a lot of the city on our way around the course - apparently this is the first year that they have had this walk so we are taking part in what hopefully will be the first of many seven bridges walks that will be held to raise funds over the coming years. I'm looking forward to it, and am hoping that we all get through it and complete the course in less than 5 hours (no point in setting the bar too high at this stage!). Weigh in day tomorrow, check back then to see how I got on this week.
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