A Good Day, In Spite of Beginning
I had a good day today, despite the first event of the day being a phone call from the trainer asking where I was! She had forgotten to tell me to come in this morning and even after some last minute attempts to rearrange the morning, she wasn't able to rework things. This means that I have a Thursday and a Friday session this week. It has been a while since I last did this so it will be interesting to see how I go. 8:00 tomorrow morning will be a bit of a shock I am sure. Best be getting up at 6 so that I can have my caffeine hit before I take off to meet her. It seems to give me a kick in the pants and keep me working out a bit harder. Placebo effect or not, I'll take it.
I was feeling a bit tired on it this morning, I think two days in a row of the new routine was taking a toll. I got on the treadmill and started the new routine, but in the back of my mind I kept thinking about maybe taking it a bit easy today, maybe trying new things and preparing for the long walk this weekend. However, after the first three minutes that is a bit like a warm up, I was into walking at 7 km/ph and I thought to myself "Harden Up Man!" So, I got stuck in and things were tough to begin with, but I stuck at it and managed to get through the wall and in the end I did a more difficult workout than usual. In the second session I was able to add on another 5 minutes running at 10km/ph instead of the usual walk to warm down at 7km/ph. I felt so good that I decided to do a warm down of 25 minutes duration and I played around with the incline and speed during it so that I ended up cranking out a few extra calories.
The stats for today were 3.52km and 457 calories for the first session, 3.61km and 468.1 calories for the second session, and 2.62km and 282.7 calories for the warm down. All told a massive 9.75km and 1,207.8 calories burned. I am stoked by these figures, they really give me a boost and I am so glad that I keep track of them. It has been a goal of mine to reach the magic 10km mark in total distance and I am sure that it wont be too long before I am there - only 250m shy of it today so had I done some running during the warm down, I probably would have made it! That will come with time, and I must stay injury free. Until then, this is good progress.
I saw the trainer on my way out. She said that she had seen me on the treadmill and was really impressed with the way that I am running. She was very supportive and complimentary (maybe to do with having made the mistake this morning), and it is nice to know that people notice the progress I am making. I told her about the walk this weekend, she thought that it was a great idea and she had told me just to watch out that I don't get too hot in the weather. Take plenty of water and I should be okay. She thinks that I wont have any trouble walking that far, and she should know! I guess this morning was not that far off being half way so I should be able to do it at a walking pace no trouble at all. I will have to keep an eye on my partner and hope that she and her cousin do okay. They both seem keen.
Well, until tomorrow then. Keep fighting the good fight and sticking with it. It seems to me that this is an endurance game and so far I am doing okay. I just have to stick with it.
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