The Longest Kilo...

Finally, I made it to 124kg (272.8lbs) after last weeks slight delay. I think that the workout yesterday will have helped as today my butt is sore from all those lunges and I can really feel the upper body work that I did as well. Feels great, funny how I now look for this feeling the next day to let me know that I have done a good workout, rather than resenting being sore! Maybe I am becoming a sick gym rat!
I put in the usual cardio workout this morning. I didn't want to start the new workout as I was feeling the workout from yesterday and I think that I will need all my strength and fitness to make it through the first session of the new workout. I will be giving it a try tomorrow morning instead, and probably again on Sunday depending on how I feel. If I am sore I will do the pump class, it will also help keep some variation in it.
I wore the new shorts today, and they look really good. I think that they were called cycling shorts, but the only difference I have noticed between them and the other shorts is that they are made out of softer material and I like shorts like this because it reduces any friction between the legs and they just feel nicer when you are wearing them. They certainly went well on the first run today and I think I will pop back into the store and get one more pair so that I have three to keep me going.
I'm feeling pretty good heading into the weekend, and it is nice to have broken the back of the longest kilo - 125kg down to 124kg. It has been a bit of a trying time as I have at times felt like I wasn't being rewarded for all the hard work I had been putting in. However, I did not break in this time of difficulty and have made it to the next round, and now I feel like it was a bit of a triumph to get here. I'm feeling good and know that if I stick at things, eventually I will reach the goals that I am setting for myself. The main thing is to keep going no matter what happens as everything will not go your way all the time.
I also meant to tell you all about a story I saw on one of the tabloid style news shows a couple of nights back. It featured a fish and chip shop that sells battered and deep fried pizza...they claim it as a world first but I don't know about that. Apparently it is at least a first for Australia. What they do is prepare pizza in the ordinary way (although it looked to me like it might have been pizza prepared in an oblong style rather than the round pan), it also looked like it might have been layered say three pieces thick and then cut into oblong pieces, and then they dip a stacked piece in batter (same as what they use for the fish) and then drop it into the boiling fat to deep fry it. It is insane I tells ya! I thought that battered and deep fried mars bars were way over the top but this beats them all. Deep fried cheese and dough...
Apparently one slice packs a mighty 800 plus calories - that is as much as I burn in an entire workout when I go as hard as I can at the moment on the treadmill! I bet most people that eat that stuff probably don't do any exercise so it is no wonder that the weight goes on. They had the fans of the meal raving about how delicious it was, and this was quickly followed by nutritionists denouncing this creation as an abomination on the culinary scene and the quickest way to an early grave. That is one thing that I can honestly say I have no desire whatsoever to try, but it was interesting to hear what people are doing in contrast with my own new healthy style of eating.
I'm glad I have moved on from eating that sort of thing. It seems that there is a greater and greater choice out there of more calorie packed food than ever before, with more on the way. I think that I am lucky to have started turning my life around now and I never want to go back. Let's hope I can get to my goals and change my life during the journey.
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