Knee Feeling Better For Having Had Day Off
Yep, the knee is getting back to being right after yesterday's day of rest. It was necessary to take the time out to allow the swelling to come down, and as I had completed a fair chunk of the track with a sore knee, I discovered during the day yesterday that my calf and lower leg had probably not been bending and moving as they should have for a fair chunk of the course. As such, the lower leg muslces were sore yesterday, and are still sore this morning. However, this has only started since I began moving more freely. Nothing serious I reckon, just tight and bit sore and another day's rest should see me right.
So, I will be home based again today but will get out for a stroll to the library to return my DVDs, books, and stretch the legs at the same time. The swelling in my knee has gone right down now and I reckon I will be right to return to the gym tomorrow. I think that I will take it easy tomorrow, probably will just do an upper body workout with weights and leave the running and any pounding exercises for another day to allow a full recovery. It is important to let these things repair properly to avoid any further problems down the line. I am under orders from the trainer not to do anything until all my joints feel right - she was very proud that I did both the advanced spin class and the massive walk on the same weekend.
Aside from that, there is not much else to report today. Our box of vegetables should be arriving today. It is a great way to ensure that I keep eating a lot of veges, and this is an important part of my diet I have come to realise. Last night for dinner we had a wonderful chicken salad and finished off a fair few of the veges that were left from the box delivered last week. My partner is an excellent vege cook, she gets them to taste so good with the addition of a few spices and herbs. Fantastic stuff.
Well, until tomorrow that's it phat fighting fans. Hopefully I will be back into the swing of things and over the slight hick ups presented by the distance walk from the weekend. I'm looking forward to heading back into the gym and getting into the weights and treadmill again. How about that, I actually miss it! Progress for sure.
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