Small Change to Blog, and Decision Made
Hey phatfighting fans, just a quick note to let those of you that comment on the posts know that I have turned off the comment moderation feature. I only ever had it on to limit the amount of spam that I had to deal with, however there hasn't been much so far and given the delay that the moderation function puts between you commenting and it getting published, I have decided to turn it off. This should help get comments on the blog faster. I will deal with any spam comments manually as and when they arise.
I have also just made the decision to get into the gym and see how the blister holds up. So, a cradio session will be coming up soon, with a post following it. After that I have my appointment with the instructor at 3:00 this afternoon, so it will be a pretty full on day. I'm looking forward to it, and am hoping that the blister holds up okay. If it doesn't then I may have to wait until it is healed and just take the enfroced break from the gym on the chin. I'll see how I get on. Check back later for more posts.
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