Cardio Workout Done

I feel good now that I am home from the gym having completed an average cardio workout. I didn't want to go too hard today as I have to see the trainer this afternoon. I need something left in the tank to make sure that I have enough puff to get through what I expect will be my last session. As of Wendesday I will be working to my own weight lifting regime, which I will have to design myself to compliment the cardio that I am doing. The main reason for my decision is that I can no longer afford to pay the $135.00 per week for two sessions. I may discuss this with her, but as a financial decision, unless the price were to come down (which I doubt) there really isn't that much need for input from her.
The workout this morning was good, and an important one. Thanks Purl Princess and everyone else that has left comments on my blog. They really make a difference and help me carry on. I really do believe that if I can't turn my weight and eating habits around this time, then I will probably never be able to do it. I realise that this will be a fight for the rest of my life, and am prepared for that mentally now. However, I need to make substantial progress, so that the exercise in particular becomes more intense, and easier to keep up with. This will help me to get further along the track towards my goals.
Since I started on this mission I have found that my ability to exercise at a high level had deteriorated remarkably since I was last at a gym regularly. Fortunately my strength remained, but all my puff was gone. It is proving difficult to build it back up, but I have made progress, and need to keep at it so that burning more calories takes less time. I hope to be able to start running in a month or two as that will really help me to get the weight down.
For now I must get some food into me so that I have some energy for this afternoon's workout. I think that I will be in good shape for the probable last workout with the trainer this afternoon, and I want to give it my best shot yet. No stopping! I'll let you know how I get on with that.
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