Mystery Solved!
I now know why I was feeling dizzy this came on later this afternoon. I have a crook stomach and it's playing havoc with me. Must have been the early symptoms that I felt this morning. No idea what caused it at this stage, probably wont ever know for sure I guess. In any event, at least my partner is fine and I know that the events of this morning weren't a prelude to something more serious. I can't wait for this to pass as aside from this problem, everything else seems to be pretty good and I want to get out there and go hard!
Not sure if I will see the trainer tomorrow. I feel really drained at for that kind of money I want to be able to get the most out of each session. Will see how I feel in about half an hour and if I am still no good, I will call her and see what the story is with cancelling a session.
So, if anyone out there was worried by my post this morning, it is all sorted - mystery solved (well partly anyway!).
hi just read you were having dizziniess... just wondering are you eating properly? You arent on one of those low carb diets as well are you as well as training hard? imo theyre a bad combo!
take care of yourself
Thanks Fitness Buddy, the dizziness that I had been experiencing has passed and has not returned. I think that it was just the upset stomach that I had that day as I haven't had any adverse reaction to anything since then. I was a bit worried at the time, but as it hasn't reutnred and I have been feeling good, I reckon it was just a symptom of the sick stomach I had.
As for the diet, I'm not intentionally going low carb, I figure that I am doing too much exercise to do that. I am watching my intake of carbs as to how many, and when I have them, but am not cutting them out of my diet. So far things seem to be going well and I hope it continues - without a return of the dizziness!
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