I Was Lost, But Now Am Found!

I feel like shouting hallelujah from the rooftops this morning! After the technical difficulties of the last few days, I got back from the gym this morning to find that my blog was up and running again. Hooorrrraayyyy! Apparently the tech issues that arose when I tried to convert to the new blogger beta system have been resolved. Thanks very much to whomever it was that sorted it all out for me, I was really bummed out when I couldn't post. I felt lost and my sense of direction was put off as I really look forward to working out, and then coming home and writing all about it. It is so good to have this back again. The same old story, you don't miss your water until your well runs dry as they say!
As I haven't been able to post for a few days, there are a few things that I need to catch up on. Firstly, as you can see from the ticker above, I have had yet another loss for the week using the official measurements. I was surprised to find that I am not that far off my second short term goal (135kg or 297 pounds). I am really stoked to have lost 9.3kg (20.46lbs) since I started my fight against fat. I am now under the 300lbs mark, and am looking forward to getting even further under that mark in the coming weeks.
I have noticed, especially this morning at the gym, that my gym clothes are no longer having to struggle to keep all of me contained under them. They are getting loose, especially my t-shirts. It feels good to be getting down in the size of clothes that I need, and I am looking forward to the day that I can walk into a sports store and buy things from the normal rack. Admittedly that is still a fair way off, but I will get there if I keep at it.
The other great thing that has happened to me over the last few days is that I have started to feel like I can give the cardio sessions my all again. The blisters are nearly all gone, and when I get on the treadmill I no longer focus on how long I have to go, or just getting through the fastest and hardest bits, I actually look for ways to vary the workout to increase the intensity and the number of calories that I burn. I had the best workout yet yesterday morning with a 50 minute session burning 630 calories. Click here to download the spreadsheet. I have moved on from the cardio routine the trainer gave me and am increasing it more or less every workout. I use it as a base now, if I have blisters or for some reason can't do what I consider a hard workout, I do the one she gave me.
This morning I did a moderate intensity workout on the treadmill. I went for 40 minutes all up, but was feeling the exertion of yesterday morning a bit and decided to take it a little easy. The most important thing was getting up and getting into the gym on Saturday when there are a lot of temptations that make not going to the gym that much easier to succumb to. Once I got up and out, I found it was fantastic day and enjoyed the walk to the gym immensely. Again, there is not a cloud in the sky here today.
Tomorrow my partner and I are going to Manly to tour around the beach area a bit, and meet some of her colleagues from work. We will be out for the whole day and I will try and get some photos to post of this trip. Of course, this will mean no gym tomorrow, but as I have been every other day this week, and we will be walking a lot tomorrow, I figure that this will be fine and will not impede my downward progress!
Foodwise things are going well. I have been using some of what I consider to be the good things in the trainer's diet to compliment my own new healthy eating plan. I am not tempted to binge eat at the moment, and have not been craving sweet food much. I have occaisionally had a diet chocolate mousse after dinner, as reccomended by the trainer, and they do help if you are wanting something sweet at night. There is hardly any sugar in them, and no fat. A good thing to have in the fridge to call on when you need it.
As Iportion suggested in her comment to my post on Thursday 17 August, I am taking this weekend to think about the trainer and whether or not she is the right one for me. If not, and I think I will discuss a few things with her on Monday and see what she has to say, then I will decide if I need a trainer, and if she will be the right one to stay on with. If not, I will contact a few of them that have posters up at the gym if I feel that I need a trainer. This is a difficult decision, as I have done well so far and don't want to mess with success, however I feel that I am not really getting my money's worth out of it, nor do I feel that the whole drill sergeant routine is right for me. I will let you all know what decision I come to.
Until then, keep checking back. Nows that I am able to post again, I will be back into my normal routine! Apologies for the last few days, but it was out of my hands and thankfully all issues have been resolved now. Thanks to those of you that have left comments, they really help keep my outlook positive and make me want to do well. Keep fighting the good fight.
Congratulations on getting under 300 pounds! That is awesome. I also think it is terrific that your clothes are feeling looser. That is always a great way to feel. Your descriptions of exercise is starting to motivate me to get moving!
Thanks for that. I was really stoked to get under the 300lbs mark. There is still a long way to go, but I have also managed (thanks mostly to exercise) to traverse a fair bit of ground in my journey to 222lbs. Noticing the changes in the way my clothes fit me has given me an extra incentive to carry on, and makes me feel much better than I did when I was at my heaviest.
I can't say enough about how exercise has helped me so far. I have noticed that as I lose weight, the effort I am required to put in to burn the same number of calories as I used to at my heaviest, has increased. However, the real plus for me is that now I can put in more effort and actually want to put more effort in when doing my cardio training. I hope that this feeling keeps building as I get fitter. Who knows, maybe I will run a marathon at the end of this!
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