Fighting Phat

I need to lose weight and this blog is about my fight against fat. I was 145 kgs (319lbs) at the start of my quest. My goal is to lose 45 kgs (99lbs) of fat. I will be posting my experiences, exercise charts, nutrition plans, and weight on a regular basis to track my progress towards my goal weight of 100 kgs (222lbs). I hope that there are some people out there that might want to join me, post comments, or who may find my blog helpful for any weight loss they may wish to achieve.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

900 Plus Calorie Workout Today

These coffee shots first thing in the morning really seem to be kick starting my workouts. Today I chose to cycle down to the gym after having a double shot espresso coffee with my partner. She had a latte, while I went for the straight coffee as there wasn't enough already ground to make a nice cup that would have been half filled with milk. It really hit the spot, and the coffee we got from Manly at the weekend held up to this, surely the best test for a coffee. Heuheutenango is now my most favourite coffee!

The cycle to the gym was uneventful, however I did chance my arm a bit on the way down there and dodged a bit of traffic to make what was probably a record for a trip from my house to the gym. I hit the place running and got the MP3 player going to my favourite workout tune and kicked into it. The first set of 25 minutes was done at a faster pace than usual because I felt like it. I got through 2.87 kms (1.78 miles) which wasn't bad for me, and was better than either 25 minute session from yesterday. I did 328.2 calories in this session.

I was huffing and puffing a bit after that and decided to take the next 25 minute block slowly. However, after a minute on a slow pace I realised I had cooled down and was ready to go back at it hard again. This time I left the incline out of it and just went on the flat for the whole time. By the end I had done 2.84 kms (1.76 miles) and 320.7 calories. OIn the back of the first effort, this was a new record, and I even felt good at the end of it. Tired, puffing, red and sweaty, but I still felt good even if I can't also look good yet!

As I was feeling so great I decided to get onto the cross trainer and grind out 15 minutes on that. I didn't go as hard as I could, the cross trainer is a bit harder than the treadmill because your arms have to work as well, and this took the wind out of my sails a bit. I got through the 15, mostly on a resistance level of 10 and at the end of the workout had done 1.87 km (1.16 miles) and 252 calories.

That made for a whopping 900 claories today, my best effort yet. I wonder if I will be rewarded on the scales this week. I'm looking forward to Friday as I may at last break through the 135kg (297 lbs) mark and knotch up the second short term goal. I need to think of some sort of reward for that achievement which does not involve food or alcohol! Not easy when I have spent a lifetime rewarding myself with food and booze. Maybe taking in a movie with my partner, or two trips out to the beach this weekend would be a good idea to reward me if I make it. Better concentrate on getting there before I plan too far ahead!

The goal I am really looking forward to is the 125kg mark as this is when the trainer has said that I will be able to start running again. This should help a lot with burning off extra calories and help me get down to my goal weight when I need it most. I am going to plan some workouts in addition to the ones that I am doing with the trainer as I feel that just the cardio is no longer enough. I will talk with her tomorrow about that as I wont want to tire myself out for the workouts with her, or overtrain and risk damaging my progress, or injuring myself. I may not be as keen tomorrow after the workout with the trainer, and the cardio routine, but we'll see.

What a revelation this is, being so enthusiastic about exercise again. I thought that those days were over for me! Fortunately they are not, and I plan to make the most of it. I believe that my diet will need some work next week, and I plan to discuss this with the trainer tomorrow as I never heard back from her about my comments on the diet or for my new cardio routine. Not the best after our heart to heart chat the other day. She is busy at the moment with exams, so I will cut her some slack, but I hope she has the workout for me tomorrow.


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