Fighting Phat

I need to lose weight and this blog is about my fight against fat. I was 145 kgs (319lbs) at the start of my quest. My goal is to lose 45 kgs (99lbs) of fat. I will be posting my experiences, exercise charts, nutrition plans, and weight on a regular basis to track my progress towards my goal weight of 100 kgs (222lbs). I hope that there are some people out there that might want to join me, post comments, or who may find my blog helpful for any weight loss they may wish to achieve.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

The Phat Fighter Fades!

Today that is true in almost every sense, although it would be an exaggeration of my progress to suggest that I am fading away! However, today marked a more successful Thursday workout although I felt that I didn't quite seem to hit the ground running this morning and that in turn had consequences for my performance during the workout. The trainer said that I did well and she now puts in extra effort to think of ways to try and push me harder during workouts, so that was a compliment of sorts. I was huffing and puffing a lot today, but I did manage to do everything that was asked of me, and even work in a few more reps when they were not expected. My cardio session after the workout was not full bore the entire time, the second 25 minute session being at a markedly slower pace.

I arrived at the gym and was greeted by the trainer. She was at reception and then was waiting for me as I got on the treadmill to warm up. We started before the 9:00 time as she had a number of clients this morning and wanted to start early. First up I had to do steps up onto the bench for 15 on each leg to warm up. Next was a return to the old exercise of step ups onto the bench, however my legs were paralell to the bench so it feels more like doing an extended squat on one leg. Again that was for 15 reps each leg.

Next up were push ups, however instead of just doing the normal variety, she had me do a standard push up, and then raise one of my arms off the ground (alternating) and swing it around behind me, turning almost like doing overarm swimming on the breathing stroke. The hand was then lowered down, I did another push up and then did the same thing with the other arm. This was quite a difficult exercise and initially she wanted me to grab a dumbell for the overarm swing part of the exercise. I couldn't really do this as it took too long to grab the dumbbell off her and made the exercise too hard because I had to hold my body weight for so long. Nevertheless I did get through 15 on the first set without the dumbbell.

Without a rest it was then into deadlifts, with two bent over rows on the down movement, followed by returning to the start position. I had to do 15 of these (so 30 rows) and I found this quite hard. This was performed with a barbell and it started to get really heavy as you have to hold onto it for a long time. I also found, for the first time today, that my lower back didn't really like this exercise too much. It is fine, but I must watch my form a bit more. Form is the first thing to go when you get tired I find, and doing endless reps normally has you compromising form eventually.

Next up we went into dumbbell bench press. She gave me 15kg (33lbs) dumbbells to do this with. Frankly, that wasn't heavy enough. She initially said try to do 20, but I powered up to that with no problems at all, so she upped it to 30, which I again made it to without stopping. She then said keep going until failure so I gave it everything and ended up making it to 45 reps which I was pretty pleased with, although I was sore. Apparently this was the point that she wanted to get me to, complete exhaustion in the chest muscles.

Finally I was into knee tucks on the bench. To make it more interesting she made me hold a 5kg (11lbs) dumbbell between my feet. I had to do 20 of these, and I did find them difficult. The hardest part was keeping your torso off the bench if you weren't using your hands to support it. I got through the 20 reps by doing 15, having a short break and then finishing off the remaining 5.

So, that was the first super set! I had to do that three times. Of note was the fact that in spite of having gone so hard on the chest press with the dumbells, it did not seem to have that much of an impact on the strange push ups that she was getting me to do. I did notice that on the second and third set of chest press, I found it difficult to get to 20 reps. I subsequently found out that this was not only because I was tired, but because she had increased the weight to 17.5kg (38.5lbs) without telling me! A bit sneaky that, and it had a bit of a negative impact on my outlook on the session as in fact I was doing better than I thought. Never mind.

The final part of the session was dedicated to front squats and tricep extensions (I think). The tricep exercise involved the same barbell as was used for the front squats and I lay on the bench with my arms straight above me holding the bar, and bent the elbows to bring the bar back down to my head, then returned to the starting position. I was to do 15 front squats and 20 tricep exercises for each set. As per usual I found that it was three sets for each of these. I did complete everything, but unlike the other set, there was no resting during the set, or between sets. By the end of this I was huffing and puffing more than I do after monster cardio sessions. It was tough!

The trainer had been asking me about my weight and so I asked her, when we finished, if she wanted to weigh me. I could tell that she did and so we went into the trainers room and I got the shoes off, and got on to the scales once she had set them up. I was initially startled to see that the readout was hovering between 128kg and 129 kg (281.6lbs and 283.8lbs). However, after standing as still as I could for a very lengthy 45 seconds it eventually stopped at 131.2kg (288.64lbs).

That was good progress from the last time that she had weighed me, however it isn't an official figure, that will of course be done after tomorrow's workout under the usual conditions (including having my shoes on). I am considering if that is the best course now as my scales at home are working properly, and even have started measuring my fat content and water percentage. I know that the last two stats are not normally that accurate with home scales, but they seem about the same as the ones at the gym the trainer uses, and initially they would weigh me, but not measure the other two things it was supposed to. I guess it was because I was too large, but they are made to weigh up to 150kgs (330lbs) so I should have been okay. I might be better off using the ones at home as there does seem to be some variation at the gym, and of course the scales at home are private! I'll let you know what I decide, but if I make the transition, it will be tomorrow.

The trainer was positive about the loss, and she seemed to be enthusiastic about how far I have come. We discussed how much more there is left to go, and particularly discussed when I should start to run. She said that once I hit 125kg (275lbs) then I should be able to start running. I said to her that I felt like running sometimes now as it would be easier to run on 8 km/ph than it is to walk on 7.5 km/ph, however that was shot down. She said no, if you are running you will be running on 10km/ph, nothing less! Ha ha, good on her I say. I used to run at that speed the last time I was near that weight, and worked my way up to keeping that pace for an hour, getting through 10km. I'd like to get back to that again, but will need to wait before starting. Apparently the new cardio workout will be sent to me soon.

So, to round out the monster Thursday session I then got on the treadmill for the usual two 25 minute sessions. The first session I went hard and got through more calories than either session yesterday. However I was tired and I knew I couldn't keep that up. So, for the second session I just went at the 6-6.5 km/ph mark the entire time and played around with the incline a bit to increase the workload. I got through a total of 588 calories with that routine which I was pleased with. I'm glad to now be at home where I can start to recover and get some strength back. Tomorrow I am apparently going to 'whale on my legs', 'carve up my quads', and 'turn my calves into bulls' and so on. I'll let you know how that goes, and I will be posting the official weight as well as the measurements. I'm also considering putting up a photo of me in my gym gear each week so that we can all see what the progress looks like. Measurements are one thing, but a visual record of progress is probably more meaningful. Keep an eye out as all this should be up tomorrow.


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