A Day Off
I have taken the day off today, prefering to recover form the taxing workouts at the end of the week. I think it was a good choice as I was mega tired this morning when woke up. Tomorrow will be an active day, although not necessarily at the gym. We are supposed to be off to the beach, in particular to check out the surfing Mecca that is Shark Island, Cronulla. For a few photos of why it is considered one of the more challenging surfing spots in the Sydney region, click here. I've never been there before which is why before I did some research I was considering taking a dip and doing some bodysurfing around that area...not after seeing this. Could bet a bit hard core for me I think!
In any event, it should make for a good day trip, and who knows, there might be some tame surf there when I show up. Having taken today off I am wondering about the wisdom of effectively taking two days off by spending tomorrow touring Sydney. My conscience might get the better of me and I may try and go for a shortish power walk from home before we take off. The big drawback to that is the later that we take off, the less time we will be able to spend exploring Cronulla. I'll take the camera again so that if the beach is what it is cranked up to be you can all have a look at it.
Also, tonight will be a late one for me. The game doesn't start until 11:00 p.m. so we wont be back home until about 1:00 a.m I'm guessing. I'd like to get a good night's sleep tonight as it could be a big day tomorrow, but there just aren't enough hours in the night it seems! I have always found that the more you do, the more you can do so burning the candel at both ends is warranted for today and tomorrow.
I think I need a bit of a reality check. A day or two away from the gym is probably just what I need right now. My legs were killing me yesterday and I think that had a lot to do with hammering them in a hard workout on Friday morning after the tough Thursday session. Another day off will probably have them back to being as good as new. We'll see how things unfold tomorrow, and if I do have the day off I can always go extra hard on Monday with the trainer and make up for it I guess.
I have had a goodish weekend foodwise so far. My partner and I went to the market day in Kogarah this morning. I had a couple of shish kebabs there, one lamb and one chicken. We also had a nice coffee at a cafe I have been wanting to try and it lived up to my expectations. A fine brew, well made and well presented. Not quite as good as my own morning heuheutenango, but not too far off it! Wish me luck in staring down temptation tonight at the pub, and I'll let you all know how I got on tomorrow. See ya then.
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