Fighting Phat

I need to lose weight and this blog is about my fight against fat. I was 145 kgs (319lbs) at the start of my quest. My goal is to lose 45 kgs (99lbs) of fat. I will be posting my experiences, exercise charts, nutrition plans, and weight on a regular basis to track my progress towards my goal weight of 100 kgs (222lbs). I hope that there are some people out there that might want to join me, post comments, or who may find my blog helpful for any weight loss they may wish to achieve.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

It's Good To Be Back

I finally got back into the gym this morning after my longest lay off since I started my fight against fat. Three days without going to the gym, and three days without any structured physical activity at all. About the only exercise that I got was walking around Cronulla when we went there over the weekend (I'll post some more about that trip tomorrow).

I got to the gym after my morning coffee this morning and hit the treadmill first up. I wasn't too sure how I was going to go having been under the weather yesterday, and not having been to the gym for three days. I did think that perhaps I would have had ample time to recover and that nothing would be hurting at all while I was working out and that maybe I could do more or go faster. I was wrong!

Nothing hurt, but it seemed during the first 25 minutes that I just wasn't into the swing of things on the treadmill. I wasn't quite striding right and the short 4 minute burst I did on 7.5 km/ph was much harder than it used to be. My rythm seemed to be out somehow. I did get through it, and did complete a fairly good first 25 minute block, but I knew that I would not be able to back it up with a better second 25 minute block as I used to. I decided to listen to the body and take it down a bit on the second leg. I did fairly well I felt, and got through a total of 599 calories in the two sessions. I was pretty pleased with that effort, but thought that as I had missed a workout with the trainer I should really do some weights today as well.

I went to the machines and did a fairly quick and light workout. I did some seated chest press, pull downs, dumbbell curls, dumbell shoulder press, tricep extensions, and finsihed off with some crunches on the Swiss Ball. It was pretty good and by the time I got to abs I was breathing almost as hard as I do when the trainer is there. One thing I found that slowed me down was that I had to set up all the weights myself which gave me more recovery time than when I am with her because while I work, she sets the next lot of weights up for me.

I was a bit worried about the last few days and what effect they might have had on my weight. I decided to break with tradition and see if any damage had been done by weighing myself at the gym on the scales I use for the official weigh in. I was delighted to find that I weighed in at 133.8kg (294.36) so at this stage it seems that the time off has not adversely affected me in terms of weight loss. I felt good about that, and I had a great sweat up by the time I finished my workout this morning. I trucked on out of the gym with the mp3 player blaring and a spring in my step!

On the way home I remembered that there was nothing for dinner tonight so I called into the fish shop on the way past the mall. They had some tuna that they told me was really fresh so I have got 500gms of that for my partner and I to have for dinner tonight. I hope it is as fresh as they claim as I intend to lightly pan fry it in a medium heat pan until medium rare (still that raw pink colour in the middle) with some olive oil to give it a bit of taste, and to be accompanied by lots of salad. Should be delicious, I might even take a photo if I manage to cook it well enough! I'm supposed to eat more fish so here goes nothing! Check back tomorrow to see how I got on.


At 4:18 PM, Blogger Ben Wilson said...

Phat Fighter's Fish Photos? I'd have been surprised if being crook had put on weight. Usually it's the other way around. For me, the Mrs being sick for a couple of days (mastitis) has led to the loss of a kilo, despite no exercise other than extra household chores. More specifically, *all* the household chores. I wonder if anyone's measured how many calories you burn hanging clothes on the line, or bathing a 6kg baby? Feels like a lot to me :-).

At 5:54 PM, Blogger Frontman said...

Household chores are excellent exercise I find. Vacuuming and so on really get your heart rate up. I have no idea about babies, but carrying around extra weight of any kind like that will help!

Glad to hear that you are continuing to win be on the right end of your fight against fat. I'm hoping that I will post a similar result this week.

At 5:35 AM, Blogger Askazombiehousewife said...

Glad you weighed in.
mmmm fish.


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