First Step on New Plan Taken
Well, I have my cardio workout of this morning out of the way, I have just arrived back from the gym now and it was quite an interesting one today. I had a sore foot yesterday and I think that happened as I ran a bit harder than usual on the treadmill. In particular, during the machine's warm down cycle, I kept running at the pace the machine determined, rather than actually warming down and following the guidelines given by the trainer. I was hobbling around a bit yesterday afternoon, and while the pain had subsided this morning I decided to give the treadmill a miss and inject some variation in the routine this morning, as well as avoid doing any further damage to the foot.
I decided to start on the bike as there was no chance of hurting my foot pedalling on a stationary bike. I jumped on the thing to find that there were a vast array of programs to choose from, but none of them were called "calorie goal" or even "distance goal" which surprised me. I had a look and chose something called weight loss and gave it a shot. It wasn't too bad, and quickly after starting I found out that the bike has a 30 minute time limit, not the 20 minutes that applies to the treadmills. Of course there was, I assumed the usual 5 minute warmdown at the end, and I was pretty much correct. For some reason it stopped at the bizzare time of 34:25, but that was long enough. My butt was sore by then anyway. I got through 420 calories which wasn't too bad by my reckoning. I had thought that it would be a lot less.
From the bike I got on the cross trainer proper and had a blast on that for the usual 25 minutes. It was good to get on this machine again, as I hadn't been on it for ages. I found, to my surprise, that you can burn just as many calories on this as you can on the treadmill running. I was quite impressed with my 425 calories and 3.24km from that session. After that I got on the cross ramp and again was surprised to find that I did 419.8 calories and 3.22km. Today's totals came in at 84 minutes, 21.96km, and 1264.8 calories (note on the bike I got in over 15km). To check the spreadsheet of my stats click here.
I feel tired, but pretty good. I stuffed down breakfast as soon as I got in the door because I will need to have lunch out of the way by 1:00 this afternoon so I will have two hours to digest prior to my 3:00 workout. I am a little apprehensive about this workout, it is the first of the workouts that I have designed to do myself and it will be interesting to see what the gym is like at that time of day, and how I get on with hogging a lot of equipment to myself while also doing cardio in between sets as the trainer used to have me least when she was there she could watch over the weights and keep the nosy scavengers at bay. I'll be sure to let you know how I get on, so check back later for my updated post this afternoon.
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