Cardio Session Done
Hi all, got into the gym this morning for my usual cardio session. 50 minutes on the treadmill and a walk to and from the gym. I cranked up the incline on some parts of the workout routine today to add a bit of extra grunt to the session. Worked well, and a few extra calories were burned by me. I have found that my knee is now more or less completely back to normal and is not giving me any trouble to speak of.
It is raining outside again today, been cloudy and bit off for most of the last week now. Not the best sort of weather for getting out and hitting the gym, it is always a little bit more difficult to keep motivated when the sun isn't shining I find. Not sure why, I mean I work out inside I just find it less inviting to get outside to walk to the gym I guess. The MP3 player is a real help on the treadmill on days like today, if you let the music move you.
I am pretty sure that I am not the only one that feels like this as the gym was nearly empty when I went down there today. There must've been less than 20 other people there with me today, well down on the usual 50-75 people that usually cram the place in the mornings. Long may that last, I much prefer it there when there is plenty of room to go around, and no one cramming the machines or even worse, having to get in a line to get on exercise equipment.
I'll be developing a new timetable for myself in the next day or two and will publish that on the site if anyone is interested in having a look at what I propose to do. I will also be recording my weights workouts from now on as it is crucial that I track my progress in this area also as part of my fight against fat.
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